Friday, December 27, 2019
Love Affair Between Calixta And Alcee - 881 Words
The theme of infidelity in literature can be approached in many ways †¦ â€Å"The Storm†by Kate Chopin takes a more amorous route than most, delving into a love affair between Calixta and Alcee. â€Å"Sweat†by Zora Neale Hurston takes a more vengeful path, and focuses on Delia, whose husband, Sykes, is cheating on her. Despite their vastly different approaches, both short stories portray facets of infidelity. Though a heftier portion of the audience may relate to or sympathize with Delia in â€Å"Sweat,†â€Å"The Storm†also leaves the audience with some mixed feelings about their own former lovers, or the blandness of their current relationship. In both â€Å"The Storm†and in â€Å"Sweat,†there is an overarching theme of infidelity. Though it is not the only theme in either of the stories, it is one of the more prominent ones. In â€Å"The Storm,†Calixta cheats on her husband with her former beau, and it is not looked upon as bad or wrong. There is no evidence showing that there will be any sort of punishment. In â€Å"Sweat,†however, the author takes a very different approach. Sykes is a terrible, abusive husband who cheats on his wife remorselessly, thus making the audience view infidelity in a harsher light. This leaves him with a more gruesome fate, where he dies by the end of the story. Although both stories have a theme of infidelity, â€Å"The Storm,†it is more focused on the act itself rather than the consequences. The entire story is split into five parts, the longest being the explicitShow MoreRelatedEssay about Symbolism of â€Å"The Storm1512 Words  | 7 Pages(Cutter 191). The two main characters in the story are Calixta and Alcee. They both used to be attracted to one another in previous years, but now they are both married to someone else. After Alcee arrives to Calixta’s house looking for shelter they are driven into a passionate moment. In the story â€Å"The Storm†the storm has a significant meaning; without it the affair of Calixta and Alcee performed would not have been as powerful as it was between them. â€Å"The Storm†has a great deal of symbolism throughoutRead More Setting as Catalyst for Passion in Kate Chopins The Storm Essay671 Words  | 3 PagesBibi. They buy a can of shrimps for Calixta but are prevented from getting them to her by the storm (Chopin, 96). The author changes the setting and tells about Calixta at home. A man named Alcee arrives at her house that she has not seen in a long time. The violence of the storm forces Alcee and Calixta into the house and then into passion that ends at the same time as the storm. Chopin uses setting as a catalyst to this action, a parallel to the passion between the characters, and as a key to theRead MoreKate Chopin s The Storm883 Words  | 4 Pagesclear demonstration of an illicit but a romantic love affair. Indeed, the title has been used perfectly to signify the adulterous love affair. Most importantly, it is evident that the storm has not been used as a mere coincidence but instead it has been used to steer the story and the affair forward. In fact, the storm has been significant during the start of the story, during its peak and ultimately in the end. Although illegal, the love affair between the main characters brings ultimate happinessRead MoreLove, Probably The Most Complicated And Famous Topic In1476 Words  | 6 PagesLove, probably the most complicated and famous topic in the world. Many people have been trying to understand a love for centuries. Why does it exist? How does it work? The truth is that once a person is in love, his or her lover means everything to him or her. Furthermore, an explanation is not needed anymore because the person that loves is the person that understands you, patient to you, supports you and is kind to you. It seems that lovers are the happiest people on earth, but the trouble comesRead MoreThe Storm By Kate Chopin851 Words  | 4 PagesLouisiana at the home of Calixta and the store Friedheimer during the 1900’s. The protagonist Calixta is a married woman with a son named Bibi. She seems to be a stay at home mother who receives helps only a few days a week by a woman named Sylvie. At home, she works hard to keep the house clean and orderly. Calixta is a pretty woman who loves her husband, but there is something that she feels is missing from their relationship. However, she does not realize this void until Alcee comes along. The conflictRead MoreThe Storm by Kate Chopin1238 Words  | 5 Pagesis â€Å"The Storm†. 0In Kate chopins era, women are seen as nothing more than a wife and have to stay with their husband for life. Chopin shows a dramatic scene between Alcee and Calixta during the time of a storm that is passing by. Chopin states a non judgemental spot about refraining from morals about the purity of marriage especially calixta. Chopin drenches in â€Å"The Storm†a strong feminist and makes a good question about marriage. The presence of Calixtas sexual desire and its intensity makeRead MoreKate Chopin s The Storm Essay1031 Words  | 5 Pagesbounded by the characters Alcee and Calixta as well as molding a captivating tone, and a reminiscent affair in a generation where it was frowned upon for woman to voice their sexual urge, above all pledging infidelity. An analogy is displayed in our language daily, there is always something compared to another. The storm is used in this story to connect the actions and feelings from the beginning, during, end and after the sexual urge between the two characters Alcee and Calixta. The storm rapidly appearedRead MoreSymbolism in The Storm Essay624 Words  | 3 Pagesstorm. Bobinà ´t and four-year-old Bibi are running errands when the storm suddenly hit. Bobinà ´t’s wife, Calixta was at home sewing when she noticed the severe storm happening outside. When Calixta went outside to gather some clothing, her old lover Alcà ©e asked for shelter during t he storm. Through her use of symbolism, Chopin gives the reader her feelings on the love affair between Calixta and Alcà ©e. Chopin’s uses symbolism in her use of different colors throughout the story. The color white is mentionedRead MoreThe Ambiguity Of Love And Passion . The Concept Of Love1359 Words  | 6 PagesThe Ambiguity of Love and Passion The concept of love and passion can be considered an abstract emotion which may be immeasurable within a relationship. Although, one is hopeful to feel love and passion in most modern day marriages, however, Kate Chopin demonstrates in her short story The Storm†there is a possibility to married and yet be lacking in one of the most important aspects of a marriage such as passion. However, is the emotion for love in order to maintain a family together substantialRead More The Misleading Message of Chopins The Storm Essay1118 Words  | 5 Pagesa fierce tempest of the natural world with the expected rain, wind, lightening, and thunder, the other a cyclone of the mind and heart which results in an short love affair between the two main characters. With her husband Bobinot and her son Bibi stranded in town by the storm, Calixta finds herself at home alone when an old lover, Alcee, rides up. The storm, the worst in two years, drives the two indoors, where, though they have not met in five years, they soon are embracing each other. As the storm
Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Best Time Of My Life - 980 Words
The Best Time of My Life! The best time of my life was when I went to a park in Cancun, Mexico. It started when my family and I were at the hotel. My three uncles, my aunt, my grandparents, my parents and my little brother were having a very good time. Their was a lot of fun things to do at the three Cancun palaces. You could go swimming in the salty ocean or the very blue pool, play soccer on the beach, play miniature golf or real golf, and bicycling. After three or four days doing a lot of fun activities at the resort we decided to use our credits to go somewhere fun like a water park. After a while we decided to go to Xplor, one of the newest parks in Cancun. The next day we woke up very early in the morning to go get good seats on the bus. It was going to take about an hour to get the park. â€Å"Hey are ready to have extreme fun†. â€Å"Yes†my brother said. â€Å"I think I will have more fun than you.†â€Å"No you won’t and we will just have to see.†When we entered we knew the fun was going to begin. When we arrived there we changed into our swimming clothes, and we started deciding what to do first. There was six things to do at the park, regular ziplining, hamic ziplining, four wheel driving, cave kayaking, cave swimming, and exploring the caves. First we decided to explore the caves. When we entered the caves they looked amazing. The caves wereShow MoreRelatedHigh School Is The Best Time Of My Life970 Words  | 4 PagesMy time throughout high school was the best time of my life, I wished I would have realized sooner how terrible of a student I was. I look back and think how much harder I could have tried, things I could have done different, and how it has changed me. I don’t have a single regret, because not only was it a lesson learned but it was humorous along the way. I was never the best person at studying, in fact I was terrible at it. I am the biggest procrastinator, the phrase, â€Å"due tomorrow, do tomorrow†Read MoreThe Harmful Nature of Drugs Essay1047 Words  | 5 PagesIn some peoples opinion drug abuse is a choice, and some believe it is forced upon due to peer pressure or the pressures of life. Some people are able to use prescription drugs without ever experiencing negative consequences or addiction. Even though some drugs are not considered hazardous if they are plant based or are only used occasionally in a controlled manner, it can still result in severe consequences. The use of unprescribed drugs should just be avoided in the first place, if not for aRead MoreMy Best Friend Is My Friend847 Words  | 4 Pages Everyone has a best friend. Most people have been through multiple best friends within their lifetime. A best friend is your closest friend, someone to talk to, the first person you think about when you want to do something, someone to help you with things and they are so much more than just those qualities. In my case my best friend has helped me become a better person, helped me to understand certain situations from a different point of view rather than just my own. She has taught me how to beRead MoreMy Life With My Brother862 Words  | 4 Pagesstarted high school, my life changed forever. Of course it was for the better. I was blessed with sharing a life with my nephew. He showed me a way of life I never knew existed. My nephew, John, was two years old and he always spent a lot of time with us. He was at our house on a daily basis. Of course, he spent every weekend with us, too. His Dad, which is my brother, was in prison. His teenaged Mom, Alyse, was struggling as a single parent. She felt like she couldn’t give John the life he deserved. AlyseRead MoreDeveloping A Vision, Mission And Values Essay1322 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it†said Buddha. Defining one’s values, visions and mission statement for themselves is exactly what Buddha stated â€Å"your purpose in life†. Without developing a mission, vision and values to assist in developing a strategy, an individual cannot identify, distinguish or explain themselves to others. The importance of developing a vision, mission and values is to help one become the most successful they can be alongRead MoreMy Self Concept: Speech in a Brown Bag. Essay652 Words  | 3 Pagesevent or time period in their lives when they see an object or maybe go to a specific place. When reflecting back on my life I remember many different time periods of my life, each of which reminds me of a specific memory. Many items remind me of these memories. For instance when I was younger, among being constantly busy going to soccer practice or game and playing with my friends or occasionally doing school work. One thing that I remember doing quite often, was going snowboarding. In my opinionRead MoreMeeting My Best Friend Essay845 Words  | 4 PagesThere is nothing in life that can compare to meeting your other half. Meeting my best friend was definitely a life changing event in the best way. She is the most loyal and absolutely the most trustworthy long-term friendships that I have ever experienced. I have been given the opportunity in life to come face to face with my best friend, she has changed my life in various ways. No one that I have met can compete with how well her and I mix. Like peanut butter and jelly, we are good alone but betterRead MoreReturning to School1183 Words  | 5 Pagesschool to prepare to raise my child. I then began to struggle and had a hard time making ends meet, so at that time I got on track to seek help and guidance. I started the process to get enrolled in school but backed out due to finding out at nineteen I was expecting my second child. I finally went back t o school and got my GED and graduated my program in summer of 2010. I walked across the stage to receive my diploma carrying my son Joziah Jah’Von (5 months) and holding my daughter Ajiona Amory’s handRead MoreMy Epithany: The Realization that Honesty Is Most Important in a Friendship811 Words  | 4 Pagesleast once in their lifetime, and most of the time those epiphanies bring a lot of change to follow. As someone who has experienced an epiphany before, my most known epiphany was when I realized that friends can be fantastic or down-right awful role models. Obviously, most people automatically assume that a new friend will be perfect and fun to be around. However, one must remember to always figure out a person’s true colors before sharing personal life details with them. Some may show trust and evenRead MoreSelf Reliance By Ralph Waldo Emerson Analysis750 Words  | 3 Pageshow I have been doing in my everyday life. Emerson states, â€Å"A man is relie ved and gay when he has put his heart into his work and done his best; but what he has said and done otherwise, shall give him no peace.†(pg. 369) Up to this point I have not done my best in English class and haven’t been feeling too good about myself. I did not go much further into my life to realize the bottom line of this quote applies to every part of my life. No matter what I do, if I do my best, I will feel good regardless
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Mass Communication and Culture free essay sample
Culture is one of the most controversial terms. The definition of the word culture has been a challenge to many researchers as they try to define life. Everything in our life is a culture: behavior, language, politics, symbols, fashion, religion, etc. Culture covers all aspects of human life, so each definition of culture has a side of the truth and the definition of culture Is continuously workable. The definition presented In chapter 1 Is: Culture Is the world made meaningful: it is socially constructed and maintained through communication.It limits as well as vibrates us: it differentiates as well as unites us. It defines our realities and thereby shapes the way we think, feel, and act. The first sentence, which should be the cornerstone of the definition, is very creative and thought-provoking yet somewhat ambiguous. It does not state clearly what culture Is. In my opinion, the second sentence is the most important one. We will write a custom essay sample on Mass Communication and Culture or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It goes with most of other definitions that culture is socially constructed and therefore relative and changeable. Then follows the key Idea in understanding the relationship between culture and communication: culture Is maintained through communication.There Is a reciprocal relationship between them: culture affects the way we communicate, the language we use, and the expressions we make. And communication maintains, transfers, spreads and enriches our culture. In spite of the fact that culture limits our options and differentiates us, we should regard culture as a liberation and unification tool. Culture allows you to understand the world, make your decisions, Improve your experience and communicate with others. Your culture expresses your values, behavior, mentality and feelings.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Writing Guide. How to write an academic essay
Writing an academic essay: Key tips you need to check Writing an essay is the skill which you can use not only at school and college but also in your adult life (for example, when applying for a job). Usually, most part of writing needs to be done when studying: essays, research papers, term works etc., so students like no one else know the value of a good essay. We understand that this is the skill you should learn in order not to stay behind and we are ready to share the most helpful tips with you only today, and only in this article! Definition and structure Lets start with the basics: what is an academic essay? This is a paper written in a specific genre that presents a thesis (or supports a proposition) on a certain topic. This is the idea propagation based on a defined structure and reasons that consists of three main (known by everybody) parts: an introduction, the main body, and a conclusion. Introduction. This part should include all the relevant information and background on the topic you picked so it will be broad (100-200 words). The main goal is to convince the reader to keep reading and the first few sentences here matter a lot; Main body. The body paragraphs are the basis of your essay: here you describe your arguments, starting with the strongest one. You need to support each of your arguments by examples or evidence and connect all the paragraphs together; Conclusion. This part has nothing new for the reader, just the summary of what has been already written and drawing the conclusions. It will be good to finish your essay by a couple of sentences that leave a strong impression: to put some weight, you can use a quotation or an intriguing question. What to start with First of all, you need to start with an introduction of your essay to the reader writing a strong clear statement. Describe your intentions, your main arguments and create an outline following the structure of the paper. However, before you actually start writing, you need to be ready with such things as: understanding the instructions (carefully read your assignment and make sure you understand correctly what is required. Your essay will only be successful if it meets all the formatting instructions and is cited appropriately); doing the research (once you choose the topic, you have to research all the info available on the web and find reliable sources you can cite). After you are done with it, you can write the first test version of your essay following the structure. Remember that essay writing skill comes with practice so your first essay might not be the best. However, if you follow the initial requirements and put some effort into it, you may come up with a decent paper that can bring you a high grade.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Premium Beer Market in Thailand free essay sample
There were various kinds of determinants influencing the enlargement of the beer market; especially the cause from gas price has risen up high like never before. Deriving the consumer products price had to be adjusted to avoid suffering from higher cost of production and transportation. On the other end, consumer’s purchasing power had become lower due to the higher cost of living; driving them to adapt to the economic situation they were facing. From the observation in the beer market, we could notice there were obvious changes in consumer’s behavior; consumers or drinkers tended to shift from having large size of beer 640ml. to the smaller size 330ml. in the form of small bottle or can. Moreover, there was a slightly drop in the frequency of buying beer also. In addition, government sectors also had plan in process to leverage IRS tax on alcohol beverage as the European Union had implemented it before in order to improve the social overall status and also eliminate beer industry pitfalls. We will write a custom essay sample on Premium Beer Market in Thailand or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Year 2006 In this year, there were many interesting movements occurring in the premium beer market. Beer manufacturers in the premium segment had planned an expansion in their production base to penetrate in other potential segments which were most likely to be the offering in light beer; providing more choices for consumers, containing less amount of alcohol or to be exact, lower than 5%. From the total amount of alcohol contained, although light beers were obviously positioned separately from the premium segment, still, they had become the new face of drinking premium beer which targeting on consumer who loves to drink healthier responded to the healthy concerning issues and rend in nowadays. Most importantly was light beers were actually sold in the cheaper price than premium beers. Plus with the facts that light beer market was still in the introduction stage, holding only 35 million liters in total production quantity or only 2% of the market shares in beer industry; therefore, showed that the light beers market still had more potential growth along the way (Source: Thai Bever age Marketing CO. LTD/Prachachat Newspaper: March 13th 2006) For the entrepreneur in light beers segment, San Miguel, the first brand penetrated into this market, was using the ‘Push Strategy’ in the early stage, implementing the intensive distribution to cover all convenience stores and on-premise market like pubs, bars, and restaurant in order to take advantages of being the first offering in the market. On the other hand, Chang Beer, who had been testing the light beer market since year 2005, decided to officially commercialize Chang Light into the premium market in March 2006; at a price of 45 baht per bottle which contains 4. 2% of alcohol volume; also implementing ‘sport marketing’ or ‘event sponsorship’ through golf and related activities. By March 2006, Singha Light was introduced to the premium market in Thailand. Although Singha was planning to focus on exporting their light beers to penetrate in Europe and America continents, but because of the high volume of alcohol up to 6% containing Singha Beer, it caused them to face with higher tax than the competitors. Plus, most drinkers in those markets preferred drinking beers with low degree of alcohol. Apart from that, Singha Light also put more focuses on driving the local market. Singha spent its marketing budget up to 150 million baht to present â€Å"Singha Light: The North Pole Challenge†in order to seek for 4 Thai persons getting once in a life time chance to travel up to the North Pole. Moreover, in this year, the government sectors had pushed through the new legislative law to be the mandatory for all alcoholic beverages. The law basically consisted of the regulations on selling and having to specific age of buyers, time and place of distribution. In addition, The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or ORYOR) had come up with the restriction of having any kind of advertisements relating to alcoholic beverages except print advertorial section in non-Thai magazines and other media. These regulations were officially brought to used on December 3, 2006 and immediately caused all the billboards, logos, brand related signs to be taken down and prohibited. Pubs, bars, restaurants, and also convenience stores were forced not to put any signs or logos of alcoholic beverage which could be seen clearly from outside the facilities. However, there were some exceptions were allowed in the case of social responsibility or tourism related activities. For example, the regulation stated that the facilities providing alcoholic beverages must also provide other non-alcoholic beverages like drinking water or sparkling/soda water etc. The company name must not be the same or rhyme with the name of the alcoholic drinks brand; and marketing strategy like ‘corporate brand image’ was prohibited like naming the company ‘Beer Thai’. For other marketing promotional tools like using pretty girls, the regulation still allowed them to dress in color to indicate the brand but the logos of the brand on the clothes including umbrella were prohibited; and for the issue of specialties or free giveaways that contained any logos indicating brand was postponed to be reconsider for the appropriateness. Year 2007 With the continuation of rapidly gas price rising situation, it was bad influencing the consumers to construct the negative perspective towards the stability spending and earning in the upcoming future and also directly affected the consumer’s behavior. As observed from the quantity of total beers sold in the early April, which usually the most profitable season of the beer industry; 143. 5 million liters comparing to the average sales from other months 140. 6 million liters or 2. 1%. These numbers obviously reflected the stagnant sales reached as low as 2-3%; dropped from 4-5%; mostly because of the pressure on the purchasing power of consumer due to the government regulation trying to decrease the alcoholic drinks consumption. On the tax regulation issue on beers, The Excise Department had organized into 3 groups and assigned different tax fees depending on each segment. The premium beer will be paying tax at 37 baht/liter; 36 baht/liter for standard market and 28 baht/liter for the economy segment respectively. For the controversial advertising issue since last year was finally settled down in this year with the revised regulations allowing the product image to be on print media but without persuasive messages or any presenter. Also print media was required to put 25% caution message of the total area of the advertisement. And for the mass media especially on television, they had divided into 2 phrases. First phrase, the TV commercials during the 10pm were allowed to put up any logo of the brand to be shown for approximately 5 seconds, and for the second phrase, 30 seconds mark shots were allowed. These changes made had tremendous positive effects to the beer market. However, those regulations were not major obstruction for the beer market. Marketers tried to adjust and improve their strategies and tactics to come up with new way of advertising. Event Marketing was one of their strategies which effectively doubled up the frequency of use. In this year, the expansion of the total beer industry had constructed the 6% growth of both quantity and value. But if we carefully looked through the segments, we would found that the premium beer market had surprisingly decreased by 8%. These were caused by the psychological factors driven consumers’ behavior to decline; plus with the government regulation had made impacts on many brands to seeking for new ways to market their products since back in August 2006 which eventually projected the decline in many firms’ total sales volume. Year 2008 Nowadays, the beer market in Thailand is still holding the attractive market for the imported brands. From the current market condition, we can notice there are many international brands which are trying to penetrate into Thailand’s beer industry to capture their potential market shares; starts off with re-entering of Carlsberg S/A Company, Denmark with the brand ‘Carlsberg’ into Thai beer market; after they had left the Thai market for the last 4-5 years. This comeback of Carlsberg is driven by the their main company in the foreign country; by starting from having the San Miguel’s breweries factory in Pathumthani as their production site. In the meantime, their marketing team has already been put in place and been planning to start their first comeback marketing event in March; and follow with the officially introduction in June. Carlsberg is mainly focusing all their efforts in distribution channel and strategies more than any other aspects. Carlsberg will initiate into the hypermarket and position itself in the same level as Heineken. Apart from that, in March, Thai Beverage Marketing CO. ,LTD. lso has plan preparing the expansion the beer portfolio to cover all the potential markets. Asahi was and still is the leader brand in Japan by having the most market shares in the beer market in Japan; by implementing the intensive distribution as their strategy, available to be purchased everywhere setting the price in the average range. Moreover, there has been improvement in the production procedure and logistics process in order to maintain the freshness and quality of the products and has tried to adjust the taste to be more preferable by Thai drinkers. They started out by focusing mainly on Japanese restaurants in order to construct the new customer base. By the year 2003, they have expanded more of their products into the common market including modern types of distribution channels like supermarkets, hypermarkets, and convenience stores etc. After some recession from the marketing strategies they had been implementing since the end of the year 2003; focusing on the taste of drought beer and plus with the innovative and futuristic of the products under the concept ‘Platinum Beer’ which derived from the sparkle silver-colored wrapped around the bottles and cans. But the selling point is somehow overestimated the perception of Thai drinkers. Therefore, in the year 2004, Asahi had decided to turn the other way around, back to its own origin which was Japan as the selling point along with the message of the bestselling beer in Japan by hoping the J Trend would eventually improve the Asahi Super Dry’s image. The result was quite successful; Asahi had captured the wider market share. By using J Trend, Asahi had effectively reached into the office workers which were employed in the Japanese firm or the group of people who have passionate in Japanese style including college students. Although there was not that large group of buyers, but most of them were likely to be identify as the middle class people, educated and have enough purchasing power. Year 2005 Asahi had decided to renovate the whole marketing strategy by turning to focus mainly on the concept â€Å"Think Difference†with â€Å"Color Marketing Strategy : Universally Communication†. They tried to emphasize on the silver strip on their products to create brand awareness, recognition and recall; distinguished from other brands in premium market. Source : BA Distribution CO. ,LTD. /Prachachat : July 17, 2005) Later on, Asahi had captured more market shares especially the increasing in rural markets; 40% from the eastern and northern part and the rest 60% from Bangkok and Metropolitan. During the second semiannual, Asahi had set the marketing budget up to 120 million baht from the total 180 million baht in order to emphasize on below-the-line 70% and above-the-line 30%. Year 2006 Organizational management structure was rearranged; the management team from Boon Rawd Brewery had come in and totally taken places in all positions in Asahi by deviding the works into two major departments under 4 CEOs; 2 from Japan and 2 from Boon Rawd. Sales department was under the Boon Rawd management team and BA would be taking care all of the marketing activities. Although there was major change in the management team, still they had not changed the positioning of Asahi and maintained its brand as international brand. San Miguel San Miguel first initiated into the beer industry by sponsoring in many golf competition; holding beer booths in many golf courses started from the middle of November and so on. Moreover, San Miguel had distributed their beers through many channels possible. However, San Miguel had the advantages over other competitors in terms of strong financial capability; therefore, San Miguel could use the turnkey operation; letting the 3rd party management team, which specialized in the particular kind of managing, to come in and run the business for them. Year 2005 San Miguel had decided to spend large amount of budget up to 375 million baht to settle down the contract with Pat-Kol Co. ,Ltd. in order to construct 95 rai of ‘Multi-Beverage Production Site’, which could be utilized to manufacture many kinds of beverage like fruit juice, drinking water, ready-to-drink tea/bottled tea, and also soft drinks in Amata City Industrial Park, Rayong. And debut its first brand of beer â€Å"Kirin†2nd market leader from Japan. Year 2007 San Miguel had specified the marketing policies into major brands like San Miguel’s Low Calories Beer, San Mig Light as followed mandatory from the main headquarter. On the local market, San Miguel offered Blue Ice Beer as a standard brand and Red Horse Beer as an economy brand. These brands were already introduced to the Thai beer market for 2 years but they were intended just to test the market, and will be taken out of the market eventually. In this year, San Miguel had planned to emphasize more in below-the-line marketing; increasing from 60% to 70-80% mainly through pubs, bars, and restaurants in order to directly reach the right group of target; and decreased the above-the-line from 40% down to 20-30%. Moreover, they had planned to join with ‘Sugar Beet Restaurant’ in order to boost sales and build more brand awareness. Federbrau Thai Beverage Public Company Limited has just decided to introduce Federbrau into the premium beer market in order to fill up their beer portfolio. They have started off by distributing through on-premise channel like night clubs, pubs, bars since March by offering three sizes of products which are 630ml large bottle, 330ml small bottle, and 330ml can. These products will be further on distributing into another channel like supermarkets and hypermarkets. Feberbrau Beer is the imported brand from Germany; containing 4. 7% of alcohol volume which is the lightest taste provided nowadays like the word ‘Federbrau’ itself means ‘feather’. It is the first brand in Thailand which keeps practicing ‘Reinheitsgebot’, the law legislated in Germany allowing only 4 ingredients in brewing beer; water, malts, barley hops, and yeasts. Although the law has not passed the qualification of the EU, many breweries has still produced beer following this law in order to project higher standard than other manufacturer. Feberbrau Beer is being brewed by COSMOS Brewery (Thailand) Co. Ltd. , Wangnoi, Phra Nakhon Sri Ayutthaya. Federbrau has planned to position its product as the genuine German beer; offering new choices for consumers though Thai drinkers might not know the story behind their recipe; therefore, it is focusing on sending messages indicating the German-style and creating the adventurous sensation by using blu e color. They are mainly targeting the ages between the ranges of 22-35 who have self confidence, freedom lovers, and have their own lifestyles. For the regulation issues, there are many strict regulations on alcoholic beverages to be complied. But since Federbrau has clearly stated its position, it would not create any conflicts between the brands like Chang Light under Thai Beverage itself unlike the previous conflict between Chang and Archa. The marketing plan of Federbrau for the first 9 months will be mostly focusing on emphasizing on above-the-line rather than below-the-line; all kinds of media including billboard will be used to promote the brand awareness and brand recall by started off in the Bangkok area and then move on to nationwide through TV, radio, newspaper, shop decoration and also holding event to cover all potential market opportunities.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
French Expressions Using Mettre
French Expressions Using Mettre The French verb mettre literally means to put and is also used in many idiomatic expressions. Learn how to take great care in doing something, spend money on, bolt the door, and more with this list of expressions with mettre. Common Expressions Using Mettre mettre 5 heures faireto take 5 hours to do something mettre jourto update mettre lessaito put to the test mettre beaucoup de soin faireto take great care in doing something mettre de lardeur faire quelque choseto do something eagerly mettre de largent dansto put money into mettre de largent pourto pay for mettre de largent surto spend money on mettre de leau dans son vinto tone it down mettre en colà ¨reto make angry mettre en reliefto bring out, enhance, accentuate mettre la radioto turn on the radio mettre la tableto set the table mettre le rà ©veilto set the alarm mettre le verrouto bolt the door mettre les bouts (familiar)Get lost! mettre les informationsto turn on the news mettre les pieds dans le platsimilar to mess up; put ones foot in ones mouth mettre les voiles (familiar)Get lost! mettre quelque chose platto lay something down flat mettre quelque chose deboutto stand something up mettre (quelque chose) de cà ´tà ©to put (something) aside mettre quelque chose droitto set something straight mettre quelquun (parmi les grands) to rank or rate someone (among the greats) mettre quelquun au pasto bring someone in line mettre quelquun dans lobligation/la nà ©cessità © de faireto compel someone to do something mettre sa langue dans sa poche (informal)to be quiet, stay silent mettre son grain de sel (informal)to stick ones nose in, to butt in Il y a mis le temps !Hes taken his sweet time doing it! Jy mets la dernià ¨re mainIm putting the finishing touches on Mettons que...Lets say/Suppose that... On ma mis au pied du mur.I was cornered. Quest-ce quils nous ont mis !They beat the heck out of us! Va te faire mettre ! (slang)Get lost! Meanings and Usage ofSe Mettre The pronominal French verb se mettre has several possible meanings and is also used in many idiomatic expressions. Learn how to come clean, team up, gather round, and more expressions with se mettre. to becometo get (obtain)to goto put onto put oneself ne pas savoir oà ¹Ã‚ se mettreto not know what to do with oneself se mettre au franà §ais, la guitareto start learning French, to play the guitar se mettre  infinitiveto start doing something se mettre  poil (informal)to strip off, strip down to ones birthday suit se mettre  quelquunto team up with someone se mettre au rà ©gimeto go on a diet se mettre tableto sit down to eat, to come clean se mettre autour deto gather round se mettre au travailto start working se mettre au vertto lie low se mettre avecto team up with, side with se mettre dans une colà ¨re noireto fly into a terrible rage se mettre dans une situation dà ©licateto get oneself into an awkward situation se mettre en colà ¨reto get angry se mettre sur son trente et unto get dressed to the nines se mettre sur un rangto form a line/queue se mettre une idà ©e dans la tà ªteto get an idea into ones head sen mettre partoutto get covered in it, to get something all over oneself sy mettreto get down to, to get on with sy mettre  nounto go on, take up sy mettre infinitiveto start doing Meanings and Usage ofLa Mise Mise is the feminine of mis, the past participle of mettre. La mise has numerous meanings and is also used in many idiomatic expressions. Learn how to say involvement, make-up, leg-pulling and more with this list of expressions with mise. putting, settingclothing, attire(betting) stake, ante(business) outlay la mise exà ©cutionimplementation, enforcement la mise feufiring, setting off, blast-off la mise jouract of updating, updated la mise  leaulaunch la mise mortkill la mise pied (employment)dismissal la mise  prixreserve/upset price la mise au mondebirth la mise au pointtuning, focusing, clarification la mise basbirth (of an animal) la mise de fondscapital outlay la mise en abà ®memise en abyme, image within its own image la mise en accusationindictment la mise en bià ¨replacement into a coffin la mise en boà ®tecanning; (informal) ridiculing, leg-pulling la mise en bouteillebottling la mise en causecalling into question, pointing a finger at la mise en conditionconditioning la mise en conservecanning la mise en demeureformal demand or notice la mise en examenplacing under investigation la mise en forme(sports) warming/limbering up; (typography) imposition la mise en gagepawning la mise en jambeswarm-up exercises la mise en jeuinvolvement, bringing into play la mise en marchestarting up (a machine or apparatus) la mise en Å“uvreimplementation la mise en ondes (radio)production la mise en page (typography)make-up la mise en placeset up, stocking, imposition la mise en plishair setting la mise en pratiqueputting into practice la mise en reliefenhancement, accentuation la mise en routestarting up, setting off/out la mise en sacspacking la mise en scà ¨ne (theater, film)production la mise en service - La mise en service de lautobus sera...putting or starting into service - The bus will be put into service on... la mise en valeurdevelopment, improvement la mise en vigueurenforcement la mise sur piedsetting up à ªtre de mise(fig) to be acceptable, appropriate; (archaic) to be in circulation, legal currency remporter la miseto carry the day, win big sauver la miseto withdraw from a game of stakes; (fig) to save the day
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Your own contemporary utopia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Your own contemporary utopia - Essay Example A principal aspect of many Utopias is peacefulness. This implies that there is zero tolerance for violence on the part of the community members. Alternatively, members of a utopian community may result to policies of diplomacy thus treating other societal members with utmost courtesy. This requirement of peaceful coexistence may even encompass living things other than humans. For instance, one of the most renowned imaginary ideal communities, Platos Republic, bears the description of a peaceful community irrespective of its relatively rigid economic equality and social classes supposed to uphold state functions (Grube and Reeve 41-49). Fictional ideal communities serve the purpose of criticizing prevailing societal issues. In the case of Ashram West, the teachings are not any different since they are based on customary Hindu Tantra and Vedanta philosophy. These teachings foster integration of all life factors with spirituality, inclusive of sexuality. Vedanta philosophy also teaches that nature is divine, pure, and perfect, while Hindu Tantra develops additional awareness of an individual’s divine self. Additionally, Ashram West community guards against gay stereotyping, as is evident from giving refuge to gay people. The ideal utopian society according to Ashram West (n.pag) advocates for reverence, equality, and knowledge. Knowledge refers to the information acquired by individuals and utilized to enhance awareness and comprehension of issues. On the other hand, reverence alludes to the respect accorded to highly esteemed individuals or beliefs. Finally equality refers to the same level ranking of all individuals irrespective of their conditions or status in the society. These three aspects constitute other fundamental grounds upon which a utopian society prevails. These aspects are also evident in Ashram West’s case, since even
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Lorillard Financial Performance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Lorillard Financial Performance - Assignment Example This article will focus on the 2011 annual report, by giving a review and analysis of the review according to the stated guidelines. Mission Lorillard’s mission is to supply their clients with the best quality menthol cigarettes (Lorillard, 2009). This is achieved by building capabilities and strong processes that support the strategized vision. This is also guaranteed from the commitment and passion portrayed by the employees and the general board members of Lorillard (Lorillard, 2009). The company also ensures that their staff members are able to provide the highest level of excellence through implementation of new strategic plans aimed at boosting the company’s sales. Lorillard Inc. also ensures that they maintain their retail market share through making more sales internationally, hence; marketing its brands (Lorillard Inc., 2011). Vision Lorillard has a vision of becoming the world’s leading company in the manufacture of cigarettes (Lorillard Inc., 2011). Th is can be portrayed from the continuously rising net sales, operating income and earnings per share. They also look into executing their core strategies and outperforming the underlying industry trends. Furthermore, their vision also entails the effortless geographic expansion of existing goods and the launching of new products that promote the company’s net sales. ... ities that support their strategic vision, protecting and growing their own menthol cigarette business and carefully pursuing close-in adjacencies (Lorillard Inc., 2011). All the three strategic efforts are aimed in achieving the vision of Lorillard Company. In addition, this helps them to ensure responsible Newport pleasure to all the adult smokers. These outstanding visions have enabled the company to maintain growth in the retail market. The Newport cigarette brand employs the strategy of protecting and growing the menthol cigarette business. Lorillard evidently challenged some of the unwarranted regulations and defended the brand’s freedom in actively operating in debates with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to respect their selflessness of menthol cigarettes. Lorillard also markets the Newport brand in Washington DC. Through expansion of merchandised programs, Lorillard was able to grow vastly with its main target being the adult smokers of Newport (Lorillard, 2009). Furthermore, Lorillard was able to achieve a record annual share and eliminated distraction after signing of a four-year labor contract with the union associates. An analysis from 2008 shows the brand’s growth from a mere 9.7% to 11.9% (Lorillard Inc., 2011). In pursuing close-in cigarette adjacencies, the Newport non menthol brand is brought into focus. It is evident that most of the efforts that the Lorillard Inc. focused on entailed expansion of the Newport brand. This is because the Newport brand makes up to 70 percent of the cigarette industry. According to the first year of Newport’s performance, the non menthol product performed extremely well. Nowadays, Lorillard offers the best menthol products in eight states, in the West. Moreover, they also make considerable profits from
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Response to a classmate's post Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Response to a classmate's post - Assignment Example For me, I felt that the work lacks a clear definition of concepts and proper outlining of facts that bring out the issue of race. Also, you did not include any thesis statements in the essay. You simply explained the various characteristics that the Homo sapiens have such as the color of the skin, shape and the type of hair. Nonetheless, it is commendable how you note how anthropologists find it meaningless to use the term race since the term has been overtaken by events. I think this gives a strong point in the defense of your answer. You also give a clear explanation of the disparities of the different genetic variations such as polytypic and polymorphic variations. It is also good that you mention the emerging trends in the humans, such as mutations of the human race. It would be good if you add a conclusion that summarizes the major thoughts in the essay. Your paragraphing is also wanting. Though the work has strong points, you would have made the work better through a proper org anization of thoughts.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Food Safety for the Home Environment
Food Safety for the Home Environment Milena Marcinek Part 1: Handling food This part will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 1: Know the importance of handling food safely Learning objective Place in Assessment Explain why it is important to handle food safely Question 1 Page 1 1.2 Identify hazards relating to food safety Question 2 Page 2 1.3 Identify ways in which food should be handled safely to avoid contamination during the following operations: Storage Preparation Cooking Serving Re-heating Question 3, Page 2 1. Explain why it is important to handle food safely. [1.1] Safe food handling prevents food from being contaminated. It is highly important to preven food contamination as contaminated food can cause not only heachache or atomach pain but also can lead to severe health problems such a kidney failure and even death. If people who are responsible for handling the food do not take enough care for safe food handling they might put peoples health at risk. 2. What are the key hazards to be aware of when it comes to food safety? Identify at least three examples in your answer. [1.2] Bacterial Hazard: Over time food can be subject to a range of changes caused by micro- organisms such as bacteria, fmould, yeast, viruses. As a result the color, taste texture can be affected. Some of the changes look unpleasant bu they do not have to be dangerous for humans life although some forms of bacterial contamination, caused by pathogenic bacteria, causes the food to become inedible or a potential hazard to health. Foreign Bodies: The food may be contaminated by the foreign body even before the food is reacheing the home. Examples of foreign body: I pieces of metal, wood, plastic and food packaging, II bones, shells, pips, stalks and stones. III hairs, jewellery, plasters, nails, saliva Allergic Hazard The most common food that cause alergic reaction are milk, soya, nuts, seafood. Even just a tiny bit of certain food can cause severe reaction. Food allergic can lead to anaphylaxis. Sufferers can experience swelling of the throat, breathing problems and potential collapse. Food labels have to always inform if the food might have any conatct with any of food that can cause allergic reaction. Chemical Hazard 3. Complete the table below by identifying how food should be handled in order to avoid contamination during each of the operations listed: [1.3] Operation How food should be handled Storage Every type of food has an ideal storage condions. If food is storaged in a wrong way the food can quickly become inedible or unusasble. Preparation Keep the highest hygine standart at the place where food is being brepared. The perosn who prepares the food should fallow the highest hygene standarts. Cooking Food should be cooked throughly to avaoid bacterial contamination. If the temeperature of cooking is not high enough then bacteria may survive and people eating undercooked food risks becoming ill. Serving It is important to ensure that hot food dont go cold, persihable foods are not left in room temperature for longer than two hours and people do not make contact with food they do not intend to eat. Re-heating Food shouldnt be re-heated more then one time. Re-heated food must be minimum 75 degrees C. To check the temeperature of food an appropriate thermometer should be used. Take particular care when feeding pre-heated food to vulnerable people. For food such as soups be sure to stir them so the whole foodstuff is at required temperature. Now that you have completed Part 1 of your Assessment, remember to save the work you have done so far – you will need to send your work to your tutor for marking once you have completed all 7 Parts of this Assessment. Part 2: Personal hygiene This part will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 2: Know the importance of personal hygiene when handling food Learning objective Place in Assessment 2.1 Explain ways of maintaining personal hygiene when handling food that helps reduce the risk of contamination Question 1 Page 3 2.2 Identify how and when to wash hands Question 2a Page 4 Question 2b Page 5 2.3 Describe potential problems resulting from not maintaining personal hygiene when handling food Question 3 Page 5 1. Explain three ways of maintaining personal hygiene when handling food. Also provide a brief explanation as to how these efforts can reduce the risk of contamination. [2.1] a) People should avoid touching or combing their hair while handling with food as hairs can physically contaminate the food. In commercial enviroment food handlers have to cover their hair with a hair net or other form of covering. These efforts reduce risks of getting hairs into food what is not only not pleasant but olso have a potential to be harmfull to death. b) People should take off jewellery while they handle the food. Jewellery can harbour bacteria and dirt and also brings a risk of phissical conatmination c) People should ensure their nails are short and tidy while they handle food. The food handler shouldnt use nail varnish or fake nails that can drop of. Following this rules reduces risks of physical conatmination ( bits of nails, varnish, dirt undar nail, or pieces of fake nails can conataminate the food ) 2a. Read the case study below describing a typical day for Chris. Afterwards, identify three situations where he should have washed his hands. [2.2] Chris works in a sandwich shop every weekday from 9am to 6pm. He gets up and out of bed at 7 and jumps into the shower straight away. Once dressed, he heads downstairs for breakfast. Today, he’s decided to have his favourite; bacon sandwiches. He puts the bacon into the sizzling hot pan and waits until it is brown and crispy. He also chops up some fresh tomatoes from the fridge before putting together his meal. He is running late so takes his sandwich with him to the bus stop. He needs to finish it quickly to pay for his ticket and hold on to the side bar because the journey is unusually bumpy and busy. When he arrives at work, Chris puts on a plastic apron and gloves immediately and positions himself behind the counter awaiting his first morning customers. By lunchtime, Chris has put together 34 sandwiches and he sets about making the total 35 by preparing his own. Once he has made his lunch, Chris removes his gloves and apron and sits himself in the staff room, ready to rewa rd his hard work. Between mouthfuls, he decides to make a cup of tea so wanders over to turn the kettle on and get a spare mug from the cupboard. He sits himself back down until the kettle has boiled which conveniently coincides with his final bite. He places his plate in the dishwasher, makes his tea and prepares to head back to his second shift. After returning home from work, Chris quickly uses the bathroom before beginning to prepare his dinner. He takes some chicken from the fridge and cuts it into cubes for a stir fry. Whilst doing so, his phone rings so he runs to answer it. It’s his mum, so he finds comfy place to sit down as he expects it will be a long chat! Your answer: a) before touching bacon, after touching bacon and before cutting tomatoes b) When arriving to work befor he starts making sandwiches and before coming back to work after the break c) Before cutting the chicken 2b. Prepare some simple instructions that could be used to explain the correct technique for hand washing. [2.2] use warm water and good amount of soap rub palm to palm rub backs of both hands rub palm to palm with fingers interlaced rub backs of fingers ( interlocked) rub each thumb clasped I nopposite hand using a rotation movement rub both palms with fingertips dry torhoughly in clean paper towel or use hand dryer 3. Describe three potential problems that can result from not maintaining personal hygiene when handling food. [2.3] a) foreign object conatmination If people who deal with handling the food dont keep high hygene standarts as covering their hair, wearing appropriate clothes, keeping nails clean and tidy or they wear jewellery while they handle any food they might contaminate food with foreign objcect such as for example : hairs, pieces of jewellery, pieces of nails or clothes. b) Food poisoning bacteria Lack of personal hygiene can result in food poiosning bacteria. To avoid it people handling the food should remember to wash their hands, keep the kitchen area clean, not to store rice at room temeperature for sustained period, carefool cook and cool the food, wash thoroughly the meat, fish and vegetable, not to use damaged cans, preserve food carefully, keep raw and cooked food separately, keep food at safe temeperature, keep animals away from food, avoid coughing and sneezing on food, cover cuts, pay attention to use by dates. c) Foodborn disease Foodborne illness is caused by consuming contaminated foods or beverages. Many different disease-causing microbes or pathogens can contaminate foods, so there are many different types of foodborne illnesses. Most foodborne diseases are infections caused by a variety of bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Other diseases are poisonings caused by harmful toxins or chemicals that have contaminated food. Of note many foodborne pathogens also can be acquired through recreational or drinking water, from contact with animals or their environment, or through person-to-person spread. Here are a few dos and donts to prevent food borne illness: *Dont leave foods that need to be chilled sitting out. Refrigerate and freeze necessary foods right away. *Do use a meat thermometer to make sure your food is cooked thoroughly. *Do wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with warm, soapy water before and after handling any raw meats, fruits and vegetables. *Do wash utensils and disinfect surfaces before and after use. *Dont defrost food on the kitchen counter. Instead, use the refrigerator, cold running water, or the microwave oven. *Dont let food marinate at room temperature. *Keep marinating food refrigerated. *Dont over pack the refrigerator. Now that you have completed Part 2 of your Assessment, remember to save the work you have done so far – you will need to send your work to your tutor for marking once you have completed all 7 Parts of this Assessment. Part 3: Storing food This part will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 3: Know how to store food safely Learning objective Place in Assessment 3.1 Explain how to store the following types of food correctly to avoid contamination: Fresh Convenience High risk Low risk Question 1 Page 6 3.2 Explain why it is important to follow food storage instructions Question 2 Page 7 1. In the table below, explain the correct way to store the different food types in order to avoid contamination: [3.1] Food type Storage method Fresh Raw meat, fish and poultry should be stored in the bottom of a fridge below ready to eat food. Fresh salad vegetables should be stored in lided boxes in a fridge to prevent it from being contaminated by drips from raw food. Convenience Convenience food should have a label saying what is its best storage method. High risk High risk food should be keeped in low temeperature enviroment such as refrigerator and only for short duration outside of that. Low risk Can be stored in dry, cool, dry area , ideally in the shade. 2. In 50 words or less, explain why it is important to follow food storage instructions. [3.2] IT is importarnt to follow food storage instruction to be sure that the food is being kept in right condition and to prevent food spoiling to quickly and to reduce risk of food poisoning. Now that you have completed Part 3 of your Assessment, remember to save the work you have done so far – you will need to send your work to your tutor for marking once you have completed all 7 Parts of this Assessment. Part 4: Importance of correct food storage This part will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 4: Know how food storage can affect the nutritional value of food Learning objective Place in Assessment 4.1 Outline how storage methods can affect the nutritional value of food Question 1 Page 8 Outline in 50 words or less, how storage methods can affect the nutritional value of food. [4.1] Nutrition in food is prone to change with time. Exposure to light, temeperature, water or oxygen can cause all sorts of reactions in food what effects in nutritional changes of the food. Now that you have completed Part 4 of your Assessment, remember to save the work you have done so far – you will need to send your work to your tutor for marking once you have completed all 7 Parts of this Assessment. Part 5: Keeping the food work area clean This part will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 5: Know how to keep the food work area clean Learning objective Place in Assessment 5.1 Describe why it is important to keep the food work area clean, hygienic and disinfected Question 1 Page 9 5.2 Outline ways of keeping the food work area clean, hygienic and disinfected Question 2 Page 9 1. Describe why it is important to keep the food work area clean, hygienic and disinfected. [5.1] Keeping the food work area clean, hygenic and disinfected eliminates bacteria growth, reduces bacteria to safe level, creates the inviroment that is uinattractive to pests and verim, minimises the possibility of cross conatmination, results in a clean and safe enviroment for the people who are preparing the food. 2. Outline three actions that you can take in order to keep the food work area clean, hygienic and disinfected. [5.2] a) To avoid cross conatamination you can restrict some food preparation and cooking tasks to specific part of the kitchen. Yo can also have dedictaed equipment for certain tasks, such as colour coded chopiing boards. b) Disinfect food contact surfaces, hand contact surfaces as well as equipment used to clean the kitchen to avoid cross contamination . c) Clean the kitchen area systematically and implement kitchen cleaning scheadule. Now that you have completed Part 5 of your Assessment, remember to save the work you have done so far – you will need to send your work to your tutor for marking once you have completed all 7 Parts of this Assessment. Part 6: Checking food is cooked to the correct temperature This part will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 6: Know how to check food is cooked to the correct temperature Learning objective Place in Assessment 6.1 Describe why it is important to ensure that food is cooked to the correct temperature Question 1 Page 10 6.2 Give examples of ways to check food is cooked to the correct temperature Question 2 Page 10 1. Describe why it is important to ensure that food is cooked to the correct temperature. [6.1] Bacteria multiply in the temperature between 5 and degrees 65 Celcius. Baceria are killed in the temeperature above 75 degrees Celcius so it is important to check the food is cooked all the way through to be sure there is no threat to peoples health. 2. Give two examples of how you can check that food is cooked to the correct temperature. [6.2] Example 1: U can use food thermometer to check if the food is cooked in a correct way. Example 2: Yo can also see if food is piping hot and steam is visible before the food is served. Now that you have completed Part 6 of your Assessment, remember to save the work you have done so far – you will need to send your work to your tutor for marking once you have completed all 7 Parts of this Assessment. Part 7: Disposing of food waste This part will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 7: Know how to dispose of food waste safely Learning objective Place in Assessment 7.1 Describe why it is important to dispose of food waste safely Question 1 Page 11 7.2 Outline how to dispose of food waste safely Question 2 Page 11 1. Describe why it is important to dispose of food waste safely. [7.1] It is important to dispose of food waste safetly to avoid cross contamination- when the food is no longer going to be consumed it should be thrown away straight away. If we leave the unwanted food at home it can be a place where bacteria are able to thrive. Bacteria van be spread to other food that still can be consumed what causes a risk for humans health. It is also important to dispose of food waste in a safe way to avoid pests at home. 2. Outline two ways in which you can dispose of food safely. [7. 2] a) Do not left food waste undercovered before throwing it away. Waste needs to be disposed of immediately b) Clean with water food containers and food packaging. This removes small bits of food that can facilitate bacteria growth. Now that you have completed all 7 Parts of this Assessment, go to Log in to the platform and send your Assessment to your tutor via your My Study page for marking. Good luck! Â © Creating Careers Ltd, 2015. All rights reserved.Page 1 of 16
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Policing History Essay
During the late 1700s and early 1800s, a breakdown in social control led to disorder, crime, riots, and public health issues in England. The 1780 Gordon riots brought a 50-year debate on how to provide better public safety. One man fighting to improve law enforcement was the home secretary, Sir Robert Peel. In 1822, Peel’s first task as home secretary was to meet the demands of Parliament for a reform of the criminal laws. During this time of rising crime statistics, Peel was convinced that legal reform should be accompanied with improved methods of crime prevention (Gash, 2012). It was not until Peel returned to the home office in 1828 with the Wellington government that he began working toward the creation of an adequate police force. In 1829, peel introduced a bill that was to improve the police in and around the Metropolis (Lyman, 1964). Fearing the introduction of a military-style force, Peel’s ideas were initially resisted. Eventually Parliament passed the bill as the Metropolitan Police Act and provided funds to establish a force of 1000 officers (Grant & Terry, 2012). The Metropolitan Police were different from any previous law enforcement. The officers were direct employees of the state and organized like the military. They were subject to clear chains of command and rules of conduct. Officers were to wear uniforms and carry badges with their identification number inscribed upon it (Grant & Terry, 2012). Peel believed it was important for the new police to win public acceptance. The moral character of the police had to be above suspicion (Lyman, 1964). Many officers were dismissed for non-appearance and drunkenness within the first few days (Metropolitan Police, 2012). Peel believed that prevention of crime could be accomplished without intruding into the lives of citizens. The principles supporting Peel’s theory on policing are as relevant today as they were in the 1800s. Faced with similar elements of social disorder, American leaders â€Å"borrowed†some of the fundamental tenets of the London police. The American forces were to model the London police with preventive patrol to be the major facet. The structure of political control of the police was very different. London residents had no direct control over their police and American citizens exercised direct control over government agencies. Instead of being disciplined and separate from the political machine, American police were serving the interests of the politically powerful. There were close ties between the police and public officials (University of Phoenix, 2011). Politics influenced every aspect of American policing, and is why the period from the 1830s to 1900 is called the â€Å"political era.†Officers were selected by their political connections. There were men with no education, in bad health, and some with criminal records hired. The officers were handed a badge, a baton, and sent out on patrol duty with little or no training. Officers had no job security and when an election was lost, an entire force would be replaced by the winning party (Williams, 2003). Many reports indicate that many police officers drank on duty and used excessive physical force. Citizens became disrespectful and often fought back when arrested (Walker & Katz, 2011). In response to increasing citizen violence, officers began to carry firearms. Police corruption was rampant. The police took payoffs for not enforcing laws on drinking, gambling, and prostitution. Officers paid bribes to get promotions but the promotion allowed greater opportunities of corruption. The New York commissioner, forced to resign in 1894, admitted he had a personal fortune of over $350,000 (Walker & Katz, 2011). In the early 1900s came the reform era where emphasis was put on solving â€Å"traditional†crimes and capturing offenders. The citizens calling for reform and removal of politics from policing brought the development of police professionalism and the professional organization of Fraternal Order of Police (University of Phoenix, 2011). In the 1970s, police departments realized that effective community partnerships help prevent and solve crimes. Known as the community era, police departments work to identify and serve the needs of their communities (University of Phoenix, 2011). Today there are many different law enforcement agencies in the United States. Policing organizations today have different roles and functions at the federal, local, and state level. The government plays a major role in assisting policing throughout the United States. The first federal agency established by the U.S. government was the U.S. Marshall Service. Since then there have been eight government departments with 21 agencies created that deal with issues of law enforcement (Grant & Terry, 2012). The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) are the two most important federal departments involved with law enforcement. Each government agency provides policing organizations throughout the United States with assistance. When different organizations operate within overlapping areas, they can duplicate information. The two organizations may not readily share information or one holds the information creates linkage blindness. Since September 2011, the government restructured many agencies so that coordinating intelligence and law enforcement resources effectively. Today, police organizations model the principles established by Sir Robert Peel into their own mission statement. References Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia. (2011). Sir Robert Peel. Retrieved from http://ebscohost Gash, N. (2012). Peel, Sir Robert, 2nd Baronet. Retrieved from http://ebscohost Grant, H. B., & Terry, K. J. (2012). Law Enforcement in the 21st Century (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. Lyman, J. L. (1964). The Metropolitan Police Act of 1829: An Analysis of Certain Events Influencing the Passage and Character of the Metropolitan Police Act in England. Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, & Police Science, 55(1), 141-154. Retrieved from http://ebscohost Metropolitan Police. (2012). History of the Metropolitan Police: Metropolitan Police 175 years ago. Retrieved from University of Phoenix. (2011). CJi Interactive. Retrieved from Walker, S., & Katz, C. M. (2011). The Police in America: An Introduction (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Williams, K. L. (2003). Peelà ¢â‚¬â„¢s Principles and Their Acceptance by American Police: Ending 175 Years of Reinvention. Police Journal, 76(2), 97-120. Retrieved from http://ebscohost
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Tornado Alley
TORNADO ALLEY â€Å" A tornado is a violently rotating column of air that extend down from a dark clouds and moves over land in a narrow, destructive path. †( earth science textbook) That is the definition of a tornado it doesn't sound fun or cheerful at all. but to the people that live in tornado alley it is something they are used to. There are many factors the cause tornados to appear in tornado alley, but the main one is location. But where is the location Why is it this location Locations it eh most important reason the tornados form in tondo alley. Location is important the exact location is very important.The states that are in tornado alley are in two parts, the heart of tornado alley states are, texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, eastern Colorado, and south dakota. The States that are in tornado alley just less intense are Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Iwoa, Tennessee, Kentucky, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. But texas and Oklahoma have the most dangerous tornados of t hem all. These states are hevally under debate this information of the states came from NOAA/US National Weather Service. But one of the reason that tornadoes happen a lot here is because they are in the plains.Tornados like flat land to travel on and the plains don't have that many hills thus giving the tornadoes perfect conditions. Tornadoes rarely to never happen in cities with plenty of walls or large structures/buildings. the location is very important. Location tornados need specific things to form. First during the summer the middle united states plains can get very high temperatures, thus causing updrafts. Also warm air form the gulf of mexico makes the temperatures rise even more. At the same time cold air form Canada is on its way down. When these to air masses meet the cause thunderstorms.Tornados a form in thunderstorms. It happened when the unstable hot air from the ground rises coming in contact with the cool air about the thunderstorm thus causing tornados. But one of the most important factor is because of these air masses being so strong the thunderstorms are usually more intense, or ‘super cells’. Tornados are more likely to appear in super cells, making it one of the reason that tornados are more frequent here. Tornado alley is a very strange place, some people like it some don’t. It is amazing the so many tornados can accrue in one general area.But believe it or not â€Å" If we looked for the state that gets the most tornadoes per square mile of countryside the â€Å"honor†belongs to Florida†says weather. com. The united states gets hit with about 1,000 tornadoes every year, just most of the dangerous ones are in tornado alley the main reason they happen here is the location. From the air masses from canada, to the warm air from the gulf. To the the very little hills on the plains of the middle of most of the states. Tornado alley is in these states for many reason but where they are in the united states is the main reason.REFERENCE SECTION Edward. R (23 Mar 2012), tornado facts. Tornado alley. 10/29/12,http://tornadoalleymovie. com/index. php/explore/tornado_facts/ Forbes. G. (oct. 7, 2005), What and Where is Tornado Alley?. Weather channel. 10/29/12. http://www. weather. com john. ( may 8 2011) , Tornadoes in Tornado alley. hubpages. 10/24/12 Http;//johnb0167,hubpages. com Tornado alley. Enchanted learning. 10/28/12 http;//www. enchantedleaning. com nomowitz. N. S. and Spaulding E. N. 2003 Earth science. Evanstin IL:McDougal Littell (10/30/12)
Friday, November 8, 2019
The eNotes Blog Top Ten Gifts for Readers and Writers Cyber-Monday isHere!
Top Ten Gifts for Readers and Writers Cyber-Monday isHere! Got a reader and/or writer on your Christmas list? Take advantage of Cyber-Monday with these unique offerings for your favorite nerd. And I mean that in the most loving way possible, of course. 10. Favorite Writers Coasters Even first-class swillers like the infamous indulgers Hunter S. Thompson and Charles Bukowski didnt want nasty water rings left on their bedside table. Honor their memories and wishes with these snazzy coasters from Retrowhale and take advantage of 15% off your order, today only.  Use order code Retro77. 9.  Big Books Tote Bag Make Sir Mix-a-lot proud and your children cringe with this bag from Pamela Fugate Designs. Free shipping! 8.  Tolkein Ring As your favorite Tolkein geek will explain to you, the wizard Gandalf says this in The Fellowship of the Ring. 7.  Bamboo Bath Caddy A book, a bubble bath, and wine? Ill be out around the end of February. Maybe. 10% off with the code Cyber at Macys. 6.  Massage Bed Rest from Brookstone Ooohhh Okay. It does remind me a bit of the flying chairs in the movie Wall-E but Ill take one. I bet any other reader you know would love it as well. Massage, place for a drink, pockets, a reading light? Yes, please. 5% off Cyber-Monday with the code Pinit5. 5.  Hemingway Gift Box from Royal Palm Arts Set includes a 6 oz stainless steel flask, a pair of shot glasses, a leather notebook, a wooden cigar caddy/pencil holder, and two pencils. Fill up the flask and throw in a couple of Cubans and youve got yourself a right manly Christmas there, my friend. 4. Demeter Fragrances: Paperback Forget pheromones! I hope this comes in a male version. Books and manliness? Gimme.  Description promises, A trip to your favorite library or used bookstore. Sweet and lovely with just a touch of the musty smell of aged paper, Demeters Paperback harnesses that scent with a sprinkling of violets and a dash of tasteful potpourri. 3.  Scrabble: Book Lovers Edition Gather round kids, where I introduce you to this concept that came, yes, BEFORE Words With Friends. In this Scrabble edition, you get extra points for playing names of novels and authors. Im not entirely sure why you couldnt do that on a regular Scrabble board, but hey, this one looks all library-y and stuff. Cyber-Monday deals at Amazon. 2.  Literary iPhone Covers I love these. Love them! Perhaps Ill even be persuaded to dump my 3G in order to get one. Or several. Hurry, limited editions and sadly, TKAM is already gone. At Uncommon Goods. 1. Gift Certificate for Uninterrupted Reading and/or Writing Time While all the previous ideas are fabulous, what most readers and writers want more than anything is some unfettered timetime free of needy kids, inquiring significant others, ringing phones, knocks at the door, email Better yet, pair this with one or more of the other gifts listed here and make your favorite bibliophile/author very happy indeed.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Forrest Gump
â€Å"Life is like a box of chocolates†¦you never know what you’re gonna get.†This quote was frequently heard during the summer of 1994 when Robert Zemeckis directed Forrest Gump. A film of two hours and twelve minutes, one would think the movie would lose interest, but it’s the complete opposite. Forrest Gump, a low-intelligent man, tells his life story to people waiting at a small town bus stop. The film allows the audience to see the world through his misunderstanding of many things, demonstrating his low IQ. The movie starts out with a young Forrest Gump, played by Michael Humphreys. Forrest meets the love of his life, Jenny, played by Hanna Hall. They met the first day of school on the bus; Jenny was the only person that was nice to him, besides his mother. When the two grow up Tom Hanks plays Forrest Gump and Robin Wright plays Jenny. Because of Forrest’s below average IQ, Mrs. Gump, played by Sally Field, slept with his principal for admission of him into the school. Forrest later on received his high school diploma and because of his blazing speed, was offered a scholarship to play football at the University of Alabama, not far from his hometown of Greenbow. Jenny would come and go from Forrest’s life throughout the movie, usually leaving with another guy. After high school, Gump enlisted in the U.S. Army where he met Bubba Blue, played my Mykelti Williamson, the only other person to treat Forrest with respect. Bubba was an African American and had a background with fishing for shrimp. The two decided that once the war was over they were going to go back home and work on the same boat fishing for shrimp. During the war Forrest’s army was attacked, Forrest kept going into the site to look for Bubba instead of saving some of his other friends, including Lieutenant Dan Taylor, played by Gary Sinise. Forest finally found Bubba, but Bubba later died in his arms that afternoon. Forrest knew that someday he would... Free Essays on Forrest Gump Free Essays on Forrest Gump â€Å"Life is like a box of chocolates†¦you never know what you’re gonna get.†This quote was frequently heard during the summer of 1994 when Robert Zemeckis directed Forrest Gump. A film of two hours and twelve minutes, one would think the movie would lose interest, but it’s the complete opposite. Forrest Gump, a low-intelligent man, tells his life story to people waiting at a small town bus stop. The film allows the audience to see the world through his misunderstanding of many things, demonstrating his low IQ. The movie starts out with a young Forrest Gump, played by Michael Humphreys. Forrest meets the love of his life, Jenny, played by Hanna Hall. They met the first day of school on the bus; Jenny was the only person that was nice to him, besides his mother. When the two grow up Tom Hanks plays Forrest Gump and Robin Wright plays Jenny. Because of Forrest’s below average IQ, Mrs. Gump, played by Sally Field, slept with his principal for admission of him into the school. Forrest later on received his high school diploma and because of his blazing speed, was offered a scholarship to play football at the University of Alabama, not far from his hometown of Greenbow. Jenny would come and go from Forrest’s life throughout the movie, usually leaving with another guy. After high school, Gump enlisted in the U.S. Army where he met Bubba Blue, played my Mykelti Williamson, the only other person to treat Forrest with respect. Bubba was an African American and had a background with fishing for shrimp. The two decided that once the war was over they were going to go back home and work on the same boat fishing for shrimp. During the war Forrest’s army was attacked, Forrest kept going into the site to look for Bubba instead of saving some of his other friends, including Lieutenant Dan Taylor, played by Gary Sinise. Forest finally found Bubba, but Bubba later died in his arms that afternoon. Forrest knew that someday he would...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Local Area Network Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Local Area Network - Essay Example Software can take the form of a centralized database, distributed application or can be a collection of simple utilities, which might be shared on a computer with in the domain. Similarly hardware can be a printer or a centralized storage device. LAN offers the fastest data transfer rate up to 10 Mbps. Stair & Reynolds (2001) suggest that usually, LAN is wired into office buildings, factories, school buildings, etc and are built around personal computers (PC). When a PC is connected to a LAN, a network interface card (NIC) is required which is placed in a computer's expansion slot to allow it to communicate with the network. A wire or connector from the network is then plugged directly into NIC. (Stair & Reynolds, 2001, p. 138) In order to install and configure a LAN setup in a school, the topology should have to be selected. Out of the three topologies, i.e. ring, bus and star, star topology is the most feasible one, as due to the failure of a computer or a segment of wire or a node, the other network nodes would not be affected at all. For star topology the basic hardware required for connectivity are as follows: For a smaller LAN with a maximum of 10 computers Hub works fine but for a larger LAN a switch gives better efficiency compared to a hub. The reason is that the hub broadcast the data packet to every node, hence all other nodes except the destination node thereby ignoring the broadcasted data packet where as the switch store the MAC addresses of each node and would send the data packet only to the destination node. UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) cable: This type of cable is the most feasible one as it is cheaper and it gives a data rate of 10 Mbps. Further more in a larger LAN setup, if the distance between two switches or between switch and a terminal (computer) is more than 100 meters than we have to use a repeater device, which enhances the signal strength so that it can reach the destination. Hence for every 100 meters we have to use a repeater device. Apart from these network components, all the computers, which are going to participate as a node in the network must have a LAN card. Every computer must have to be joined directly to a switch by the help of single twisted pair cable. In case of larger number of computer, then the switches should have to be connected with each other by the help of cross twisted pair cable connection. When all the computers are physically connected with each other to form a LAN setup, then the network operating system should have to be installed and configured on every computer so that they can communicate with each other. Since a LAN must have at least one domain server so in order to make a computer to act as domain server, we have to install a server operating system like Windows 2003. After that install and configure ADS (active directory services) on that server computer. Create user accounts and register every network resource within the ADS. Further more in the ADS, privileges can be assigned individually to every user account, so that when a user logins from a client computer, he can access only the allowed resources. For rest of the client computers, we have to
Friday, November 1, 2019
The government is proposing to introduce penalty duties of 30% on all Essay
The government is proposing to introduce penalty duties of 30% on all manufactured imports where the importer fails to prove that the producer is reducing its carbon emissions by at least 3% per year - Essay Example The plan will affect the lives of the general public in terms of costs of commodities in the local markets and loss of jobs. Economically, the amount of imported goods will decrease and trade balance might shift to the exports. There are scholars who have come up with better proposals that the government should go through and determine which one is most viable. The proposed plan has its pros and cons but the pros outweigh the setbacks. It is in everyone’s best interest to fight global warming at any cost. The government should look into providing compensations to the affected bracket of the citizens by the proposal. There should also be tax cuts introduced if the proposed plan takes effect. The government should also provide incentives to business firms to reduce emission of carbon. The British government has been working on reducing air pollution for decades. Environmentalists have made sure that the government keeps on its toes on the issue of emissions especially from manufacturing plants within the country. Emission of carbon and other gases that pollute the air and consequently contribute to the rise in global warming are being discouraged. To address this, the government has devised incentives that will ensure that local manufacturing industries adhere to the newly drafted emissions law. Companies are required to purchase permits from the required authorities according to their level of emissions. Global warming is a global issue hence the British government in conjunction with other countries worldwide has engaged in talks on the most feasible way to tackle emissions. It is during these talks that the participants devised a strategic plan that will ensure that every individual and company observes the requirements of emissions. The following report to The National business league will focus on the proposed plan to introduce penalty duties of 30% on all
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Terrorism and Human Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Terrorism and Human Rights - Essay Example As contemporary issue for the purpose of this foreign policy brief, terrorism refers "to any violent act directed against noncombatants and carried out by an organized group rationalizing such behavior with political and religious arguments."(Davidson, 20 April 2009) Terrorism is the issue on every one's mind these days. It is global disorder that we have been fighting, and probably will be fighting for many years to come. What is terrorism The word refers different things to different people at different times and the same is very evident. "Violent activity at one point in time may be called terrorism, while the same action may be deemed war, liberation, or crime at another time in history." (Chossudovsky, 24 April 2009) The most accepted definition of terrorism is the illegitimate use of force on innocent people to achieve political objective. National groups or clandestine agents usually intended to influence an audience." These inflictions cannot be performed directly by any government, but they can be funded by government. If these actions were inflicted directly by government, this is known as terror, not terrorism. However, with these definitions you can see how difficult it is to define terrorism. Terrorism has been around long time and often appears in poor second and third world countries. Since terrorism has affected the world so hard recently, the United States and other countries are trying to find way to end or limit terrorism as much as possible. However, the best way to solve terrorism is to learn the causes of it and then to come up with reasonable method to solve it. Tony Blair's reaction after 7 July 2005 When the terrorist struck in London year ago, Prime Minister Tony Blair had been on an emotional roller-coaster. "From the elation of winning the 2012 Olympic bid for London he flew home from Singapore to chair the G8 summit at Glen eagles in Scotland, only to be woken from few hours sleep to the grim reality of the first suicide attack on Britain." (Tony Blair, 20 April 2009). 'This is very sad day for the British people, but we will hold true to our British way of life,' said Blair, breaking off from the G8 proceedings to chair the government's emergency meetings in London. Opinion polls have consistently shown that, even though his government has been buffeted by many a scandal and internal squabbling, many Britons feel secure with Blair's 'sure touch' on terrorism. "Unlike US President George W Bush, who initially hesitated to return to Washington after the attacks, and Spanish leader Jos Maria Aznar, who by blaming the separatist movement ETA turned the 2004 Madrid bombings into an instant political football, Blair showed leadership in crisis, analysts believe." (Tony Blair, 24 April 2009). 'His initial response showed that he was very much in touch with the British public,' said Frederick Fors, Swedish author of the study Bombings in London: Terrorism and institutionalized crisis management. Fors, from Crisis mart, the National Center for Crisis Management Research and Training of the Swedish National Defense College in Stockholm, believes that Britain's long experience with Irish Republican Army (IRA) terrorism, and Blair's conviction that Britain would become target after 9/11, helped prevent an 'overreaction' to July 7. 'Given the scale of events in London, it might have
Monday, October 28, 2019
Reusability of Code Essay Example for Free
Reusability of Code Essay Reusability of codes general purpose is to reduce unnecessary coding which in the end reduces project development time and funds. It is essentially taking code from one part of a program and attempting to employ it elsewhere without having to alter too much. This method is similar to reusing software mechanisms in object-oriented programming. Object-oriented programming and procedural programming are two programming paradigms that distribute common attributes as well as various differences. A procedure is an additional name for a routing, technique or function. Procedures and objects both use algorithms to develop the system and any logical calculation that is necessary for the program. A function is divided from variables and data compositions. Procedures are intended to run the code in a precise order, while OPP merges data with the function in the function changes the data that is bound to it into a unit identified as an object. Other useful features such as abstraction, encapsulation, and inheritance can be achieved while working with OPP. Procedural Programming The earliest programming languages were procedural, meaning a program was made of one or more procedures. A procedure is simply a module or function that performs a specific task such as gathering input from the user, performing calculations, reading or writing files, displaying output, and so on. The programs that you have written so far have been procedural in nature. The steps a program must perform to reach the desired outcome. Procedure is an independent entity and a sequence of instructions that are grouped together. In procedural programming, a task is broken down into assortment of variables and subroutines. In OPP, a task is broken down into objects which summarize the data and execution. In a procedural approach, the entirely called variable is termed as a trait of the object. The idea is to encapsulate data and a technique into what is referred to as a class. A class is a model; a class can be used to make several objects. This allows code be reusable in OPP. Object-Oriented Programming Object-oriented programming (OOP) is centered on creating objects. An object is a software entity that contains both data and procedures. The data contained in an object is known as the object’s fields. An object’s fields are simply variables, arrays, or other data structures that are stored in the object. OPPs group the data methods together so that each can operate on its own data while procedures are used to directly perform operation on data structures. OPP provides encapsulation making class whose objects can be created dynamically. OPPs have been observed to give lower quality performance as compared to procedural programming. In addition to solving the problems of code-data separation, the use of OOP has also been encouraged by the trend of object reusability. An object is not a standalone program, but is used by programs that need its service. (Gaddis, 2010) References Gaddis, T. (2010). Starting out with programming logic and design. (2 ed.). Pearson Education, Inc.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
War :: essays research papers
2.â€Å"War leaves mental as well as physical scars.†Discuss the truth of this statement using evidence from No Pretty Pictures, short stories, extracts (from Night and other text) and poetry. When something drastic happens in your life it always leaves an impact on your memories. This has happened to those who have lived through wars, not only memories but also mental and physical scars. Some of those who have endured wars first hand and have suffered with scars both mental and physical left by war have recorded their experiences in autobiographies and poems. In ‘Losses’ Randall Jarrell, shares with the reader the losses and pain he suffered while he was at war and the pain he suffered after the war also. Although he survived he writes, â€Å"It was not dying: everybody died. It was not dying: we had died before.†He describes the death of others whom he cared for or knew and the destruction of his surroundings. Something inside him died, he was never the same after seeing massive damage inflicted on everything and he expresses this. In the last verse of ‘Losses’, he says, ‘It was not dying- no, not ever dying; But in the night I died I dreamed that I was dead, And the cities said to me: ‘Why are you dying?      We are satisfied if you are’; but why did I die?’ Jarrell shares with the audience a taste of what was going on inside his head and sharing with the reader that dying doesn’t mean death of the body, but he is dying in such a way that his soul and personality was becoming different from before the war. He was killing people and his friends are being killed. He thought eventually everything around him will turn to dust, and was afraid he would lose his sanity and the person he used to be, thus leaving him mental scars from trauma caused by war and physical scars inflicted by war. This was also the case with Elie Wiesel the author of Night. He describes many incidents, which were so intense that it scarred him mentally. In the third chapter of his autobiography he records how he is separated from his mother He had no idea what could happen to her and feared that she might die. A few minutes later he was confronted with death itself. He was standing in front of a gigantic fire thinking he would be thrown in, but instead he witnessed dead people being thrown into the fire, babies and young children.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
My Personality and Learning Style
My Personality and Learning Style My personality type is ISTJ which is introverted, sensor, thinker, and judger. Introverted people are more likely to be reserved, private and more likely to work alone than with groups. Social events are not a strong characteristic of an introvert which prefers to be in a calm quiet location with relatives and solitude. Sensor’s tend to prefer problems with a set of guidelines that state facts of data directly and learn through example or experience. Thinkers believe that rational and logical thinking over emotional feeling’s.Judger’s have structure and balance their time and schedule precisely. Which can be managing people or working with a set of specific instructions and goals. I believe that the personality type test is accurate in describing my Personality. The test states that I am sixty percent introverted which means that i prefer working alone and reflect on my thoughts. Introverts might not ask question’s and rel y on others to ask for them but if i know there is something i don’t understand and absolutely can’t figure out by myself that’s when i ask a question.I feel that personality can have a big impact on your grades, for example extroverts are more likely to talk during a teacher’s lecture and cause them to miss some information. While introverts tend to keep more thoughts to themselves and are more likely to pay attention in class. Having a clear understanding of how you learn and perceive information which can be more efficient in less time wasted. V. A. R. K is visual, aural, read, write and kinesthetic. The way you process or perceive information in the classroom can define the grade you earn.My preferred choice of sensory is reading and writing because i like write and read notes over several times. Memorizing information, notes and study material is my most effective way of assuring that i pass my exams. You can have more than one way of learning throug h your sensor’s which is called multimodal are not necessarily smarter but just prefer multiple modes of learning which is purely based on preference. Being successful in the classroom for myself begins with paying attention to the information the professor tries to relay.Sitting in the front of the classroom is important to me because I know it gives me an advantage over someone who sits in the back where it is difficult to hear. The first thing I do when I arrive to the classroom is copy the notes the teacher has written on the board or screen. I sense it will be important to know unless told otherwise by the instructor. Knowing I prefer the sensor over intuition i will more than likely choose a class and degree where the information is directly stated with facts and concrete data over a class where theory and imagination is involved.Personality and learning style play’s an important role in your education. Students tend to perceive information different way and rate s. The students who have compatible learning style with the teachers teaching style will retain information better and be efficient in learning. Every teacher might not have the same teaching style but if you take steps to adapt you will increase your chances of doing well in the class. Talk to the instructor and counselor’s so you’re learning needs can be met and prevent you from failing the class.
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