Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Terrorism and Human Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Terrorism and Human Rights - Essay Example As contemporary issue for the purpose of this foreign policy brief, terrorism refers "to any violent act directed against noncombatants and carried out by an organized group rationalizing such behavior with political and religious arguments."(Davidson, 20 April 2009) Terrorism is the issue on every one's mind these days. It is global disorder that we have been fighting, and probably will be fighting for many years to come. What is terrorism The word refers different things to different people at different times and the same is very evident. "Violent activity at one point in time may be called terrorism, while the same action may be deemed war, liberation, or crime at another time in history." (Chossudovsky, 24 April 2009) The most accepted definition of terrorism is the illegitimate use of force on innocent people to achieve political objective. National groups or clandestine agents usually intended to influence an audience." These inflictions cannot be performed directly by any government, but they can be funded by government. If these actions were inflicted directly by government, this is known as terror, not terrorism. However, with these definitions you can see how difficult it is to define terrorism. Terrorism has been around long time and often appears in poor second and third world countries. Since terrorism has affected the world so hard recently, the United States and other countries are trying to find way to end or limit terrorism as much as possible. However, the best way to solve terrorism is to learn the causes of it and then to come up with reasonable method to solve it. Tony Blair's reaction after 7 July 2005 When the terrorist struck in London year ago, Prime Minister Tony Blair had been on an emotional roller-coaster. "From the elation of winning the 2012 Olympic bid for London he flew home from Singapore to chair the G8 summit at Glen eagles in Scotland, only to be woken from few hours sleep to the grim reality of the first suicide attack on Britain." (Tony Blair, 20 April 2009). 'This is very sad day for the British people, but we will hold true to our British way of life,' said Blair, breaking off from the G8 proceedings to chair the government's emergency meetings in London. Opinion polls have consistently shown that, even though his government has been buffeted by many a scandal and internal squabbling, many Britons feel secure with Blair's 'sure touch' on terrorism. "Unlike US President George W Bush, who initially hesitated to return to Washington after the attacks, and Spanish leader Jos Maria Aznar, who by blaming the separatist movement ETA turned the 2004 Madrid bombings into an instant political football, Blair showed leadership in crisis, analysts believe." (Tony Blair, 24 April 2009). 'His initial response showed that he was very much in touch with the British public,' said Frederick Fors, Swedish author of the study Bombings in London: Terrorism and institutionalized crisis management. Fors, from Crisis mart, the National Center for Crisis Management Research and Training of the Swedish National Defense College in Stockholm, believes that Britain's long experience with Irish Republican Army (IRA) terrorism, and Blair's conviction that Britain would become target after 9/11, helped prevent an 'overreaction' to July 7. 'Given the scale of events in London, it might have
Monday, October 28, 2019
Reusability of Code Essay Example for Free
Reusability of Code Essay Reusability of codes general purpose is to reduce unnecessary coding which in the end reduces project development time and funds. It is essentially taking code from one part of a program and attempting to employ it elsewhere without having to alter too much. This method is similar to reusing software mechanisms in object-oriented programming. Object-oriented programming and procedural programming are two programming paradigms that distribute common attributes as well as various differences. A procedure is an additional name for a routing, technique or function. Procedures and objects both use algorithms to develop the system and any logical calculation that is necessary for the program. A function is divided from variables and data compositions. Procedures are intended to run the code in a precise order, while OPP merges data with the function in the function changes the data that is bound to it into a unit identified as an object. Other useful features such as abstraction, encapsulation, and inheritance can be achieved while working with OPP. Procedural Programming The earliest programming languages were procedural, meaning a program was made of one or more procedures. A procedure is simply a module or function that performs a specific task such as gathering input from the user, performing calculations, reading or writing files, displaying output, and so on. The programs that you have written so far have been procedural in nature. The steps a program must perform to reach the desired outcome. Procedure is an independent entity and a sequence of instructions that are grouped together. In procedural programming, a task is broken down into assortment of variables and subroutines. In OPP, a task is broken down into objects which summarize the data and execution. In a procedural approach, the entirely called variable is termed as a trait of the object. The idea is to encapsulate data and a technique into what is referred to as a class. A class is a model; a class can be used to make several objects. This allows code be reusable in OPP. Object-Oriented Programming Object-oriented programming (OOP) is centered on creating objects. An object is a software entity that contains both data and procedures. The data contained in an object is known as the object’s fields. An object’s fields are simply variables, arrays, or other data structures that are stored in the object. OPPs group the data methods together so that each can operate on its own data while procedures are used to directly perform operation on data structures. OPP provides encapsulation making class whose objects can be created dynamically. OPPs have been observed to give lower quality performance as compared to procedural programming. In addition to solving the problems of code-data separation, the use of OOP has also been encouraged by the trend of object reusability. An object is not a standalone program, but is used by programs that need its service. (Gaddis, 2010) References Gaddis, T. (2010). Starting out with programming logic and design. (2 ed.). Pearson Education, Inc.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
War :: essays research papers
2.â€Å"War leaves mental as well as physical scars.†Discuss the truth of this statement using evidence from No Pretty Pictures, short stories, extracts (from Night and other text) and poetry. When something drastic happens in your life it always leaves an impact on your memories. This has happened to those who have lived through wars, not only memories but also mental and physical scars. Some of those who have endured wars first hand and have suffered with scars both mental and physical left by war have recorded their experiences in autobiographies and poems. In ‘Losses’ Randall Jarrell, shares with the reader the losses and pain he suffered while he was at war and the pain he suffered after the war also. Although he survived he writes, â€Å"It was not dying: everybody died. It was not dying: we had died before.†He describes the death of others whom he cared for or knew and the destruction of his surroundings. Something inside him died, he was never the same after seeing massive damage inflicted on everything and he expresses this. In the last verse of ‘Losses’, he says, ‘It was not dying- no, not ever dying; But in the night I died I dreamed that I was dead, And the cities said to me: ‘Why are you dying?      We are satisfied if you are’; but why did I die?’ Jarrell shares with the audience a taste of what was going on inside his head and sharing with the reader that dying doesn’t mean death of the body, but he is dying in such a way that his soul and personality was becoming different from before the war. He was killing people and his friends are being killed. He thought eventually everything around him will turn to dust, and was afraid he would lose his sanity and the person he used to be, thus leaving him mental scars from trauma caused by war and physical scars inflicted by war. This was also the case with Elie Wiesel the author of Night. He describes many incidents, which were so intense that it scarred him mentally. In the third chapter of his autobiography he records how he is separated from his mother He had no idea what could happen to her and feared that she might die. A few minutes later he was confronted with death itself. He was standing in front of a gigantic fire thinking he would be thrown in, but instead he witnessed dead people being thrown into the fire, babies and young children.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
My Personality and Learning Style
My Personality and Learning Style My personality type is ISTJ which is introverted, sensor, thinker, and judger. Introverted people are more likely to be reserved, private and more likely to work alone than with groups. Social events are not a strong characteristic of an introvert which prefers to be in a calm quiet location with relatives and solitude. Sensor’s tend to prefer problems with a set of guidelines that state facts of data directly and learn through example or experience. Thinkers believe that rational and logical thinking over emotional feeling’s.Judger’s have structure and balance their time and schedule precisely. Which can be managing people or working with a set of specific instructions and goals. I believe that the personality type test is accurate in describing my Personality. The test states that I am sixty percent introverted which means that i prefer working alone and reflect on my thoughts. Introverts might not ask question’s and rel y on others to ask for them but if i know there is something i don’t understand and absolutely can’t figure out by myself that’s when i ask a question.I feel that personality can have a big impact on your grades, for example extroverts are more likely to talk during a teacher’s lecture and cause them to miss some information. While introverts tend to keep more thoughts to themselves and are more likely to pay attention in class. Having a clear understanding of how you learn and perceive information which can be more efficient in less time wasted. V. A. R. K is visual, aural, read, write and kinesthetic. The way you process or perceive information in the classroom can define the grade you earn.My preferred choice of sensory is reading and writing because i like write and read notes over several times. Memorizing information, notes and study material is my most effective way of assuring that i pass my exams. You can have more than one way of learning throug h your sensor’s which is called multimodal are not necessarily smarter but just prefer multiple modes of learning which is purely based on preference. Being successful in the classroom for myself begins with paying attention to the information the professor tries to relay.Sitting in the front of the classroom is important to me because I know it gives me an advantage over someone who sits in the back where it is difficult to hear. The first thing I do when I arrive to the classroom is copy the notes the teacher has written on the board or screen. I sense it will be important to know unless told otherwise by the instructor. Knowing I prefer the sensor over intuition i will more than likely choose a class and degree where the information is directly stated with facts and concrete data over a class where theory and imagination is involved.Personality and learning style play’s an important role in your education. Students tend to perceive information different way and rate s. The students who have compatible learning style with the teachers teaching style will retain information better and be efficient in learning. Every teacher might not have the same teaching style but if you take steps to adapt you will increase your chances of doing well in the class. Talk to the instructor and counselor’s so you’re learning needs can be met and prevent you from failing the class.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Countryside attraction – New Forest National Park
My countryside attraction is New Forest National Park. This general description of countryside attraction explains the general appeal, impact of location, design features and key points about countryside operation and management. My individual investigation of Exmoor National Park examines each of these features in more detail. By doing a general description first it will help to highlight the key information on countryside attractions that can then be compared with man-made attractions. Countryside location and access: The key difference between countryside and man-made attractions is that the first are natural where as the second can be chosen. In Britain, there are over 10 national parks in various parts of the country but most of the parks are in the north. There are no national parks in the southeast London area. There are a variety of countryside natural attractions including gardens, nature trails, private farms, forests and woodland, wetland, smaller area of open space often used for out-door recreation, wildlife parks, and bird sanctuaries all of which are not national parks, but can be important countryside attractions. The coastal areas of Britain, separate to beaches and resorts, include costal walks, natural wildlife and scenery, which are popular with tourists. Location and access to countryside is important for the following reasons: 1. Promotion of tourism 2. Economic. Countryside tourism earns income for the tourism industry 3. Social. Countryside tourism provides opportunities for education, enjoyment and social entertainment. 4. Environment. The management of the countryside especially in national parks helps protect the environment for the benefit of wildlife, plants, farming animals, local communities, visiting tourists for now and the future. 5. Impacts of location and access can also be negative. Some countryside area attracts high numbers of visitors in peak season, which can have a negative impact on wildlife, farming, local communities, if not controlled. The seasonal popularity of countryside areas and the bad climate in winter can have a negative economic impact on employment, income for businesses and the country balance of payments. Appeal and popularity: The main appeal and popularity of Britain outside its heritage cities and its popular youth culture is the greenery of its countryside heritage, which is uniquely different to natural scenery attractions of other areas in the world. A major appeal and popularity is for a day-trip or short break customers travelling to the countryside on local or regional journeys. The majority of British customers are regional, but that is because there is a national motorway network, with limited rail access, there are also many national domestic tourists. Countryside events such as fetes and agricultural shows are also popular. Many are promoted on television and are especially attracted to the family visitor and international tourist, because of their link to local cultural heritage. In general British countryside has a good image and reputation. But it has suffered seriously from the ‘Foot and Mouth Disease' and competition with city attractions and cheap holidays abroad, especially a seaside product market. The countryside attracts particular interest groups such as schools, educational groups, senior citizens with more time, and enthusiasts of outdoor recreation. Design and technology of countryside: The natural landscape can be protected by managing and controlling access, building, roads, picnic areas, events and view points. Agricultural processors such as drainage, choice of crops, can also be controlled to help protect the nature and appearance of local environments. The location of entrances, exits, car parks, catering facilities, accommodation, can all be design to fit in to natural environment and to limit negative impact. Many rural villages have local government planning control to limit manmade environments, so they are based on local materials and construction methods which help maintain local crafts and traditions, e.g. Cotsworlds, Yorkshire Grystone welsh stone built walls are features of the British countryside that have been protected. Design and technology is also very important for the health and safety and security of access to outdoor recreation, involving water, rivers, lakes and costal areas, mountains with dangerous rock features, isolated areas and countryside that needs to be protected from the dangers of fire or manmade pollution.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Album Review essays
Album Review essays Amazing stories, endless street slang, rugged beats. What do you get when you put all of those three things together? The Big Picture, by Big L. The Big Picture was produced in 2000 shortly after the death of Big L (Lamont Coleman) in 1999. Even though the album was in progress and not complete at the time of his death, Flamboyant Records (Big Ls own label) was able to put together one of the best hip-hop albums in the genres young history. Just a fair warning before you listen to the album: if you are not a big fan of underground hip-hop this is not an album for you. If you are accustomed to hip-pop or radio rap Big L will probably not hit the spot for you. No where in his raps does he attempt to appeal to the general public. This album is what many true fans would call thorough. So if you are ready for a tour of the streets get ready, because L tells it how it is. The CD opens with the self titled track The Big Picture, which is an appropriate opening. Not only by title but for the frame work of the whole album. He proceeds with similes like Whats this rap game without L. Thats like jewels without ice. Thats like China without rice. Or the Holy Bible without Christ. Or the Bulls without Mike. Or crack-heads without pipes. The village without dykes. Or hockey games without fights. Its lyrics like these that make this album one for the books. As if the lyrics of Big L arent enough, he is also complimented by guest appearances by the late Tupac Shakur and The Notorious B.I.G.. With the company of two of the greatest rappers in history and one of the best DJs around this album was an overall success. Later in the CD he has a song titled Casualties of a Dice Game which tells about him winning money in a game and being followed by the jealous loser. L goes on to explain how he ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Funny Friendship Day List of Quotes
Funny Friendship Day List of Quotes What is friendship without good-natured humor? You may have seen friends, who poke fun at each other, crossing all limits of decency. Does abrasive humor offend friends? Is there a shifting line of modesty between friends? How do you know when to pull the brakes when it comes to ribald humor? To an outsider, a crude joke between friends may seem offensive. You may wonder how friends can allow such indiscretion. What about self-esteem and dignity, you ask. However, you need to look deep into the core of friendship. When friendship is based on mutual trust, respect, and honesty, decorum and decency are merely superficial covers. True friends understand this at a subconscious level and dont feel threatened or insulted by their friends humor. The bond of friendship has enough resilience to absorb such shocks- some would argue that it grows stronger from it. Childhood Friends May Be the Closest Interestingly, it has been observed that childhood friendships are often more resilient than friendships formed later on in life. Children bare secrets to their closest friends, making pacts of secrecy to be honored till death. Also, children share an honest and open relationship with friends. Even years after friends grow into adults, childhood friends feel secure in each others company. So dont be surprised if you feel more at ease with your childhood friend, than you feel with your office colleagues. Sharing funny quips with friends who have a similar sense of humor doubles the potency of a joke. The sight of your friend rolling with laughter, after you shared a funny joke, makes you feel immensely satisfied. And if your friend is blessed with ready wit, he or she can add to the humor. Start Friendship Day With Humor Equip yourself with funny quotes, jokes, and anecdotes. Send out funny Friendship Day wishes and messages and spread the laughter. Give your friends a reason to smile with funny Friendship Day quotes. In the evening, catch up with a bunch of friends, and guffaw over a beer and barbecue. Hand out personalized Friendship Day gifts with Friendship Day quotes handwritten on them. Friendship Day Quotes Ralph Waldo Emerson A friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature. Lord Samuel A friend in need is a friend to be avoided. Groucho Marx Outside of a dog, a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog, its too dark to read. Erma Bombeck, Family: The Ties that Bind...And Gag! Friends are annuals that need seasonal nurturing to bear blossoms. Family is a perennial that comes up year after year, enduring the droughts of absence and neglect. Theres a place in the garden for both of them. Oscar Wilde A true friend stabs you in the front. Jim Hayes An old friend will help you move. A good friend will help you move a dead body. Ralph Waldo Emerson It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them. Christian Slater I just killed my best friend... and my worst enemy. Whats the difference? Malcolm Bradbury Ive noticed your hostility towards him... I ought to have guessed you were friends. Bronwyn Polson Whoever says Friendship is easy has obviously never had a true friend! Groucho Marx When youre in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, Damn, that was fun. Groucho Marx No one is completely unhappy at the failure of his best friend. Jerry Seinfeld, in The Bizarro Jerry Why would anybody want a friend? Jerry Seinfeld It reminds me of like this pathetic friend that everybody had when they were a little kid who would let you borrow any of his stuff if you would just be his friend. Thats what the library is. A government-funded pathetic friend. Erma Bombeck A friend never defends a husband who gets his wife an electric skillet for her birthday. Anne Lindbergh Men kick friendship around like a football and it doesnt seem to crack. Women treat it like glass and it falls to pieces. George Carlin One good reason to only maintain a small circle of friends is that three out of four murders are committed by people who know the victim. Bing Crosby There is nothing in the world I wouldnt do for (Bob) Hope, and there is nothing he wouldnt do for me ... We spend our lives doing nothing for each other.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Power of Awe 5 Proven Benefits to Experiencing Awe in Your Life
The Power of Awe 5 Proven Benefits to Experiencing Awe in Your Life One of the themes at my leadership retreat last week was the power of awe. From the moment we arrived at the campus in Wisconsin, we were called upon to seek out awe-inspiring experiences. The first day, I saw a dragonfly caught in a spider’s web. I heard frogs that sounded like an orchestra. I saw fireflies that looked like sparklers. All of these were moments of awe. During one classroom section out on the grass, a green bug landed on me and I spent many minutes watching its movements. I was fascinated by how it shifted from side to side, bending its legs as it leaned to the left, then straightening and bending them again as it leaned to the right. Why would a bug do such a thing? I was captivated. Every time the bug jumped off my leg I would catch it again so I could watch its do this dance. In each of these moments, time stood still. I felt like I could sit there forever focusing on this one thing – a green bug, a sunset, a frog chorus. I was happy to be alive, for the simple fact that life occurred to me as captivating and miraculous. What I learned over the week is that scientific research supports my experience of awe. Specifically there are four documented effects of awe that make me want to pursue it more often! 5 Major Benefits of Awe We become more generous and caring after experiencing awe! In a study directed by Paul Piff, half the participants were directed to look at the side of a building, and the other half were directed to look at a grove of towering eucalyptus trees. After they looked at the scene, a researcher walked by the participants and dropped a box of pens by â€Å"accident.†The ones who had looked at the trees picked up more of the pens, exhibiting much more ethical and social behavior than the ones who looked at a building. Imagine the world we would live in if more people experienced awe on a regular basis! Awe inspires creativity. When a group of children looked at a series of photos, one beginning with objects like a pencil, and progressing to vast things like the Milky Way, they were more creative than another group starting with vast things and moving to more everyday things. This 2012 study from Tel Aviv University encourages me to look at an awe-inspiring video or photo before attempting any creative pursuit! Awe produces health benefits. A January 2015 study in the journal Emotion found that awe, especially when induced by a deep connection to art, nature, or spirituality, lowers cytokines in the body. Lower cytokines means less risk of heart disease, type-2 diabetes, and depression. Furthermore, if awe is inspired by a physical experience in nature, we get more vitamin D and also benefits related to exercise. Awe expands our sense of time. Researchers at Stanford and the University of Minnesota found that when people experience awe, they report that they have more time available and are less impatient. Awe brings people into the present moment- and the sense of having more time can lead to better sleep, less stress, less engaging in addictions, more motivation to acquire new knowledge, more willingness to volunteer, and overall, more life satisfaction. Awe gives you a better sense of well-being. Awe-inspiring experiences such as looking at a natural wonder, listening to a beautiful symphony, or even looking into another person’s eyes, can make us feel a connection with something greater. This experience is an emotion â€Å"in the upper reaches of pleasure and on the boundary of fear†as described by psychologists Dacher Keltner of UC Berkeley and Jonathan Haidt of New York University. Who wouldn’t want that? When was the last time you experienced awe? Are there awe-inspiring opportunities passing you by on a daily basis? I challenge you this week to have 10 awe-inspiring moments every day. I’d love to hear the difference it makes in your life!
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Wind power for water desalination including a comparison with solar Dissertation
Wind power for water desalination including a comparison with solar power desalination - Dissertation Example Sew water desalination through the renewable energy resources can solve the problem. Wind energy has the most potential in the coastal regions of the world due to high availability of wind. Wind desalination utilized the RO, MVC and ED techniques to desalinate the sea water. RO method of desalination is considered the most efficient method of desalination. Wind desalination has many advantages over solar desalination, particularly at coastal regions. The advanced wind turbines have more efficiencies than that of the previous designs. On the other hand the desalination methods involving coupling of solar and wind energy are much efficient. TVC desalination method can couple solar and wind energy. Greece is facing the water scarcity and desalination is the most effective and efficient method to provide fresh water for the economic and social growth of the country. Some Greece islands are facing droughts and desalination is the economic solution. Greece islands have major coastal region s, which can be considered suitable to harness the wind energy for the desalination. However, solar and wind energy both can be coupled to enhance the gain and efficiency of the desalination plants. RO desalination technique is considered best to be coupled with the wind energy. Some disadvantages of the wind desalination are the noise, disposal of concentrated brine and disposal of chemicals. However, the advantages are more than disadvantages and thus wind desalination has a promising future. Wind power for water desalination including a comparison with solar power desalination Chapter 1- Literature Review Among the many problems, the human race is facing, the two major problems are the worst of all. The two problems are the environmental pollution and climate change and the second is the water scarcity. As the population is increasing the problems of fresh water scarcity and climate change is increasing are becoming more severe. In fact, the fresh water resources in the world rem ained lesser than what is demanded by the population, thus billions of people will have to suffer and have to drink contaminated or low quality water (Sen, 2008). There is a need to establish such systems that equally encounter the climate change as well as water scarcity. The system, thus, have to utilize the alternate resources of energy like the solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, hydropower, etc (Kalogirou, 2005). Earth has plenty of saline water; in fact, the major portion of the earth is covered with saline water in form of oceans and seas. In order to encounter the water scarcity, there is a need to treat the saline water to make it in the purely drinkable. On the major process is the water distillation that converts the dirty or saline water into steam by utilizing the heat from different sources and the then converting it back into the liquid state. All the impurities remain at the bottom of the container in which the water is heated. The other methods are the uti lizing the different layers of filters to file the impurities and adding chemical additives. The major process that has the potential of providing the necessary amount of water without worrying about heating the water is the RO process, in which dirty water or saline water is forcefully passed through different layers of filters. The layers provides a passage for the only water molecules, as the width of the pores in the filter is about in the range of nanometres allowing only the water molecules to pass through the filter. In nature such type of layers can in found in eggs and layer of ash. However, the process of RO consumes much energy having a purification plant of a grand scale, thus a large amount of energy is required
Friday, October 18, 2019
Abraham Lincoln's Dred Scott Decision & Peoria Speech Essay
Abraham Lincoln's Dred Scott Decision & Peoria Speech - Essay Example In addition, no blacks qualified to seize any position in any office through the introduction of the Illinois law. In a dialogue that Lincoln delivered in Peoria, he stated that if by chance, he had the power; his first inclination would be to free all slaves and dispatch them all to their native land. According to Abraham Lincoln, the position of superior and inferior in the American states meant to reduce the number of blacks entering the country. However, he later discovered that his plans were impossible since the whites needed blacks for labour. The main questions that run over his mind were whether the blacks might be both politically and socially equal to whites. Lincoln rejected this major aspect. He did not believe the black to be his equals, he never at any chance, favour the blacks. However, besides his hatred towards the blacks he tried stopping the slavery trade (Basler 121). Lincoln always denied the blacks the right to vote, he was never ready to bring on political and social equality between the black and the white. The main reason as to why he wanted to be away from the black is his hatred towards the black race. Lincoln believed there was a substantial diversity between the black and the white, which in his judgment he always prevented blacks and whites living together on the basing of ideal equality. Lincoln was always in favour of the white race, which he belonged.
Lesson Aids Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Lesson Aids - Essay Example Each card contains pictures of various servings of food. Five cards consist of the total number of servings from each food group. These cards carry 5 points. 20 cards comprise specific food portions ranging from three servings to one serving. The points attached to these cards range from three to one respectively. There are also three wild cards displaying oil as a food group but students have been taught that oil is not a food group although a small portion is needed to keep one healthy. Therefore anyone picking an oil card will be required to lose a turn for the next round. An oil card may be cancelled when the player gets a card containing the total number of servings from any particular food group (Cancellation of an oil card is the player’s choice). The game begins with each player choosing a card from the 28 stockpile. The player with the highest score on his/her card has the first turn. Each player then picks 5 cards. The first player places one card on the table. In an anti-clockwise manner, the remaining players match the first card using the same food group as displayed on the table ensuring that the recommended daily requirement is not exceeded. The player with the card with the highest points wins that round and ceases the played cards of the opponents. This person plays first in the next round. These ceased cards are put in the player’s basket which would be used to tally the winning score at the end of the game. When a player does not have a card from the food group displayed on the table, he/she is required to take cards from the stock one at a time until a card belonging to that particular food group is obtained. The game ends when either the stock pile is completed or one player has utilized all the cards in his/her hands. The player with the highest points in their basket at the end of the game
Thursday, October 17, 2019
This is an essay on MSc International Finance Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
This is an on MSc International Finance - Essay Example If these two concepts are to be mingled, then it may end up as the wrong medicine for a disease and lead to misjudgment and misallocation of resources. IMS does not promise any corrective measure addressed towards the increasing global imbalance. For the past few years the strength of the dollar is declining against the floating currencies of Europe (more specifically against euro and pound) and that of the Anglo Saxon world. However this will lead to the leveling of the current account deficit of USA. It also ensures that US fiscal deficit has to be adjusted immediately resulting in a wide leap in tax rate and finally a 25 percent revaluation of US $. The Europeans are in need for structural reform to liberalize the sclerotic European labor markets. However, neither US nor the European nations are adopting any corrective measures, making the current order as unsustainable. If this continues, the central bank of the Asian countries refuses to accumulate more dollars then in no time it will lead to a global recession. A viable IMS has to mend this type of disaster.
Discuss the design needs for a plant producing a million tubs (150 ml) Essay
Discuss the design needs for a plant producing a million tubs (150 ml) per week of fruit yoghurt, with emphasis on the hygiene aspects. Make clear your assumpt - Essay Example 8) Cheap labor - Labor is an important part of the business without whom any business can run successfully. Labor helps in flourishing a business. So it should be available in adequate amount and on cheap wages. 9) Others facilities - The structure of the plant should be well designed with proper lighting, ventilation, sanitation, cleanliness, rest rooms and waiting rooms, wash rooms etc. It should be spacious, noise-proof and have adequate number of large windows to allow the entry of maximum natural light and free circulation of natural air. It should have fire alarms and emergency alarms also. 10) There should be a proper place for the disposal of the waste material. This would help in maintaining the neat and clean surrounding and thus saving the environment from getting polluted and finally keeping the beauty of the nature at esteem. This diagram shows the working of different departments with each-other's cooperation and coordination. One is responsible to answer the other and the other is responsible and dutiful to help the rest of the departments. Like production department has to maintain the records of sales department as well as of purchase department because three of them are tightly knotted with each other. This diagram shows the working of different levels of management. ... Internal management of the plant:- This diagram shows the working of different departments with each-other's cooperation and coordination. One is responsible to answer the other and the other is responsible and dutiful to help the rest of the departments. Like production department has to maintain the records of sales department as well as of purchase department because three of them are tightly knotted with each other. This diagram shows the working of different levels of management. This type of structure is known as "Vertical division of labor". In this kind of scenario, the chief function of top managers, or executives, typically is to plan long-term strategy and oversee middle managers. Middle managers generally guide the day-to-day activities of the organization and administer top-level strategy. Low-level managers and laborers put strategy into action and perform the specific tasks necessary to keep the organization operating. Conclusion:- The success of the business not only dependent upon the architecture of the plant but also on the nature of the business, facilities available, activities performed and internal management of the plant i.e. how is work going on and the coordination and cooperation of the staff right from the lower level to middle level and finally to the top level. Design of the plant not only shows the impact of the owners of the business on the rest of the world including competitors but also their duty to present and build the strong infrastructure. Organization, Work & Technology are formerly known as Behaviors in Organizations so each is equally counted in terms of profit and reputation of the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
This is an essay on MSc International Finance Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
This is an on MSc International Finance - Essay Example If these two concepts are to be mingled, then it may end up as the wrong medicine for a disease and lead to misjudgment and misallocation of resources. IMS does not promise any corrective measure addressed towards the increasing global imbalance. For the past few years the strength of the dollar is declining against the floating currencies of Europe (more specifically against euro and pound) and that of the Anglo Saxon world. However this will lead to the leveling of the current account deficit of USA. It also ensures that US fiscal deficit has to be adjusted immediately resulting in a wide leap in tax rate and finally a 25 percent revaluation of US $. The Europeans are in need for structural reform to liberalize the sclerotic European labor markets. However, neither US nor the European nations are adopting any corrective measures, making the current order as unsustainable. If this continues, the central bank of the Asian countries refuses to accumulate more dollars then in no time it will lead to a global recession. A viable IMS has to mend this type of disaster.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Project management coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Project management - Coursework Example Rate of performance is portion of work (in percentage) that is actually complete as compared to the work schedule to be achieved (Meredith and Mantel, 2008). It is assumed that 50% of the work is completed at the end of 5 years in 2011 since no information is available. The report is an analysis of the key causes of failure of the national program for Information Technology project undertaken by the UK government so as to unify patient records over the digital platform countrywide. The cause have been analysed based on theories in importance of project governance and leadership in successful project implementation. It was found that lack of objective and goal definition, proper leadership communication and proper guidance on importance of data security and need for communicating with doctors were key causes behind failure of the national project. Project governance assists in ensuring that the project is being executed as per standards set by the organization, which is using the project. Such governance assures that all activities are executed as per the required standards and ethical compliances are maintained while creating provision for accountability of the project management team. The project manager uses project governance to develop a proper reporting system under the structure of governance and such structures also define the roles and responsibilities of each project team member. The project manager can also utilize the governance structure for priority setting within project objectives. Project leadership, on the other hand, refers to the emphasis of project managers on planning, devising processes, developing structures and solving problems. The project manager is responsible for planning out projects, measuring performances and resolving conflicts and roadblocks that hamper project progress. Project leadership involves visioning, communication, strategizing, empowering, listening, questioning
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Fragmented Authoritarianism of the Chinese State Essay Example for Free
The Fragmented Authoritarianism of the Chinese State Essay Asoke Kumar Mehera ([emailprotected] com) (Ex-Teacher of La Mart College of Technology, Sydney) In post-reform period, Chinese state is creating and sponsoring NGOs in order to transfer to them certain functions that it used to perform itself under the command system of the socialist era. NGOs in reform-era China represent both challenge and continuity in state-society relations. It is easy to observe the semi-official nature of some NGOs and the state’s tight formal control of the sector demonstrates the evidence of continuity. The officially organized NGOs are comprehensively dependent on the state agencies that created them and behave more like subordinate units of the agencies than independent entities. Actually, Private entrepreneurs are depended on official patronage for access to bureaucratically allocated resources, political protection and socio-political legitimacy. On the other hand, It is also easy to notice a change in the predominantly popular culture of the other NGOs and a certain degree of autonomy (regarding marginalised interests like HIV, same-sex relationships etc. ). There are genuinely bottom up NGOs that set their own agenda and seek to influence government policies and try to bring important issues to public attention. The arbitrary use of administrative power by the state agents, bureaucratic control over the resources, constant fluctuation in government policies and an ineffective legal system, have all contributed to an uncertain environment for NGOs in China. Many popular NGOs have engaged in entrepreneurial activities with their contacts in the government. The state’s failure to discipline the agents and bureaucrats; whose protection and complicity enable NGOs to evade supervision and engage in inappropriate activities to generate finance. Actually, a vast majority of NGOs are interested mainly in finding ways to exploit state-controlled resources for their own benefit, rather than playing the political role conventionally ascribed to civil society. There are various ways for NGOs to advance their interests, such as forging patron-client ties with officials, operating through networks of personal relations that cut cross the state-society divide or providing political support to the state in exchange for its sponsorship. The self-serving entrepreneurialism of the NGOs (sometimes as part of sponsoring agencies) has apparently been a fairly common problem. Although scholars are still debating about the nature of the Chinese state entrepreneurialism and corporatist state control over NGOs in post-reform era; but the nature of state- civil society interaction can be summarized as â€Å"dependent autonomy†. As per â€Å"fragmented authoritarianism†, the state has retained its dominant role in socio-economic sphere and the authority below the very peak of the system has become more fragmented and disjointed as a result of economic reform. A research on the NGOs carried out in 2000 shows that popular NGOs active in the field of women’s rights, tries to hide the cases from mass media because it would directly criticize the local authorities and police, whose goodwill is important for their existence. Many NGOs consider their relationship with government agencies and officials as the most important of all their relationships. Many officially organized NGOs at local levels are simply tools for local government agencies to create agency slush funds. Various qualitative and quantitative studies of China’s political culture have identified a number of features that are not conducive to collective action and civil society activism. These include elitism, fatalism, and lack of cooperative spirit and group solidarity. Individual NGOs need to pool their resources and join hands with other likeminded people and organizations to challenge government policies which prioritize economic growth over environmental protection. It is not unjust to apply â€Å"macro†political theories such as civil society and corporatism for explaining the actual behaviour of NGOs. Actually, we need to relate NGO studies to such issues as state capacity, political culture, and the evolving state-society relations in China. The growth of autonomous NGOs in China will not necessarily result in the development of a thriving civil society, which needs a competent state structure and impartial legal system. The unethical alliance between local officials and entrepreneurs is basically for the mutual benefit and above all, at the expense of the policies of the central state and the interests of other social groups. Public interest has not been served properly as the state lacks the capacity to enforce rules within the welfare sector largely comprised by NGOs. Actually, the state apathy to civil welfare is depicted by the fact when the central government orders all state agencies to de-link themselves from the economic entities. It is not a good foundation for a healthy civil society. Dependent autonomy is not a type of state- society relations that favours the interest of the state (Yiyi Lu, 2012).
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Why are walls important?
Why are walls important? Why are walls important? Walls are very important parts of buildings, they have several useful functions: * Protect us from dangerous animals and people * Provide shelter from elements such as wind and rain * Makes a ‘secure home * Bears the loads of the roofs, floors and furniture Block work Standard blocks are 6 times larger than standard bricks, this means that bricklayers can build the wall more quickly, therefore taking less time and reducing labouring costs. For the walls, the external walls will be cavity walls made from aerated concrete blocks and the internal walls will be made from dense concrete blocks. The reasons for these choices will be explained further on. What are and Aerated Concrete blocks and why I have chosen Duncan Marshall (2008) says that; Aerated blocks consist of water, cement, pulverised fuel ash, sand and lime. Aerated concrete blocks are very versatile as they can be used in many different parts of the building, such as party and solid walls, cavity walls (internal and external leaves) and foundations. We will be using Celcon aerated concrete blocks, which are BBA certified (British Board of Agrà ©ment, which is the UKs major authority offering approval of construction products). Sizes (in mm): 215 125 440 Reasons for using Aerated blocks for the inner and outer leaf: * Good thermal insulation (Thermal conductivity is 0.15W/mK, Thermal conductivity is the ability of a material to transmit heat, the lower the value the better) * Easy to handle for labourers/bricklayers, as theyre relatively lightweight and can be cut and chased * Closed cell structure means they have good water penetration resistance * Good fire protection Class O surface spread of flame (the best rating) * Non combustible * Relatively strong (Strength 3.6 N/mm ²) What are Dense Concrete blocks and Why I have chosen them? Dense concrete blocks consist of cement, aggregate (fine and coarse). We will be using Celcon Hi (7) Strength blocks. Sizes (in mm): 215 150 440 Reasons for using dense concrete blocks for the internal walls (party/solid walls): * Very strong (7.3N/ mm ²) * They provide a good surface for most renders and plasters * Good sound protection This is an illustration of a building regulation (part A) for the compressive strength needed of walls. For the external walls it will be a cavity wall comprising of aerated concrete blocks (7.2N/mm2), and the inner walls will be a solid wall of dense concrete blocks (7.3N/mm2). Height of wall Length Minimum thickness Not exceeding 3.5m Up to 12m 190mm for whole height Exceeding 3.5m but not 9m Not exceeding 9m 190mm for whole height 9m 12m 290mm from base for 1 storey and 190mm for remaining height Exceeding 9m but not 12m Not exceeding 9m 290mm from base for height of 1 storey and 190mm for rest of height Exceeding 9m but not 12m 290mm from base for the height of 2 storeys and 190mm for rest of height This is a table from the building regulations (Part A) about the thickness of walls. For our design, the internal and external walls both exceed 290mm, therefore the walls will have the correct thickness. Mortar Mortar is needed to bond the blocks together to provide stability for the wall, therefore building. It also seals gaps between the blocks to prevent water getting through the gaps when it rains. Blocks (aerated and dense) Duncan Marshall (2008) recommends our buildings will have a mortar ratio of 1:1:6 (cement: lime: sand). The reason for having a low amount of cement (cement provides the strength) compared to the sand (sand gives volume), is that making the mortar not that strong is so that it doesnt limit movement and will cause cracks in the joints rather than the concrete blocks. This mixture is recommended by a professional concrete company, therefore it wont be too weak, as then the mortar will fail. Jointing/pointing bucket_handle.gifAll of the buildings will have the bucket handle design. This is because Duncan Marshall (2008) says it helps seal the joint, also it compresses the mortar slightly and the shape improves resistance to water penetration. Walls Quoins Out of these three different types of bonding block work we will use 5 (reveal quoin), because its the most simple bond, therefore easier for bricklayers to build the wall, and reducing the likelihood of errors occurring. Also 3 bonding will be used if needed to keep the whole wall to the correct dimension. Cavity Walls For all our cavity walls in our buildings, they will be partial fill cavity walls. Kingspan Insulation says; one of its main advantages is that it prevents rain getting to the inner leaf, which would cause dampness in the walls, therefore weakening the walls. One disadvantage with partial fill cavity walls happens in the physical construction of the wall takes place, if the walls arent sealed completely, airflow in the wall leads to an enormous amount of heat loss within the wall (shown by red areas in 2). This can be caused by dirty ties and mortar snots, which are pieces of mortar which have dropped into the cavity, and cause moisture. 125 75 20 125 20 Block Cavity Insulation Plasterboard 365mm F . Cavity Walls Wall ties Duncan Marshall (2008) says; as we are having a partial fill cavity we have to use this special tie with plastic retainer. In the 2004 Regulations (Approved Document A) there is a requirement to use stainless steel ties. Building regulations says the tie should be bedded at least 50mm in each leaf. In terms of the tie angle, it should be slightly sloped toward the outside leaf; otherwise the other leaf will get damp. Cavity Walls Movement joints The materials that make up a wall will expand and contract because of reasons such as temperature and moisture content. Because concrete blocks are made of cement, they will shrink slightly. Therefore, the big sections of wall need to be shortened to accommodate for the movement, if movement joints are placed correctly, this will prevent the wall from cracking. Duncan Marshall (2008) says that the movement joints of internal concrete block walls should have movement joints approx every 6 metres, but the 1st joint should only be 3 metres away from a corner or bend in the wall. We will incorporate this into our designs. Cavity Walls- Jambs The blue line is the window Damp proof course prevents water penetration from the jamb of the window frame Cavity Walls Lintels Duncan Marshall (2008) say that the lintels carry the distributed load of brickwork across the top of the window frame. Lintels can be up to lengths of 4500mm and when constructed should have at least 150mm bearing on the wall either side. Lintel with insulation to prevent cold bridging, cold bridging happens when heat is lost from the inside of the building to the outside because the material (this case the lintel) is the ‘bridge for the heat loss. When the insulation is there, it has a higher thermal conductivity than the lintel (galvanised steel), so the heat ‘bridges to the insulation and not outside the building. 10 This is very important concept of insulation, that also applies to cavity and solid walls where insulation is used. Insulation External Walls Insulation boards are used to keep the heat within a room/building so that the living/working conditions are favourable. We will have WT20 insulation boards (size is 1200x600x20mm) from Board Sizes Thermal Conductivity (W/mK) Resistance (k-value) U-value (W/m ²K) Weight (kgs) 1200 x 600 x 20 mm 0.029 0.69 1.45 0.45 The U value is the amount of heat which will flow through 1 square metre of a wall for every degree in temperature difference between the inside and outside. Resistance is the resistance to heat flow of a material of a given thickness. Now I can calculate the U-value for the walls. U value for cavity walls (Thickness/Thermal Conductivity = Resistance) This transitions into weep holes; weep holes allow the water to exit the cavity. As we are only using blocks, we will use plastic weep holes that are placed every 450 mm. Weep holes, damp proof courses and the bucket handle mortar are excellent parts of the wall that allow it to prevent water penetration. Cavity Walls-Sills Cavity Walls joining cavity walls to internal walls This is how we will join the inner leaf to the internal walls, also where two internal walls (could be party walls) join, it will be toothed in. Walls Door and Window frames (Openings) The building regulation below specifies the sum of openings (w1+w2) shouldnt be more than 2/3 ‘L. Opening heights should be less than 2.1m, and the width less than 3m. This ensures the wall is not weakened significantly under compression by openings. We used this formula for a standard room (not disabled). Length of whole wall Door sizes Thickness= 40mm 2040 mm 826mm Windows A very common part of walls, and obligatory for accommodation buildings are windows. Window sizes (British Standard: 2003) 1050 mm 1800 mm *Purple segments are windows that open (white arrows indicate what direction they open), orange segments are fixed. This type of window is called ‘Left-hand multi light. Sound Control One of the functions of the walls is to control the airborne sounds, such as aeroplanes and cars travelling outside of the building. The internal walls will be made out of dense concrete blocks, as this provides good sound protection. Celcon aerated blocks also have just as good of a level of sound protection. Osbourn and Greeno (2007), say the Sound reduction index (SRI) is a way of measuring the effectiveness of construction insulating airborne sound. We will have a block cavity wall which is plastered, this has a SRI number of 49, and 150 mm dense concrete walls which have a SRI number of about 46. These are relatively acceptable SRI values to be used in construction. Finishes There are different finishes you can have for aerated concrete blocks; plastered, rendered and painted. For the outside of the external walls we will render the walls (10mm wide). For internal walls (dense concrete blocks) we will have plaster boards (20mm wide). Cement Rendering After the mortar and blocks are bonded, render will be applied. For our design we are using aerated concrete blocks for the external walls, therefore we should not use strong renders (Duncan Marshall, 2008), because when the dense mix shrinks, it will go past the limit of stress that the blocks can handle, therefore cracking will occur. Our building will have a very similar aesthetic appearance to this building (right), except for the colour. References David Littlefield, et al., 2008, Metric handbook, 3rd Edition, Duncan Marshall ,2008, Construction Website 0809 (unframed construction) Dereck Osbourn and Roger Greeno, Mitchells Introduction to Building 4th Edition Julian McKenzie (Lectures) Sizes of concrete blocks Partial Fill Cavity Walls Insulation Boards Analytical Essay: The Teaching Of Speaking Analytical Essay: The Teaching Of Speaking The theme of the research paper is The Teaching of Speaking. For the teacher it is very essential to know how to teach speaking foreign language correctly and to be able to do that. That is why there are several methods and manners how to give the knowledge in an easier manner to the students. The aim: To investigate what methods are used to teach speaking are used mostly and find out as many as possible teaching speaking methods. The enabling objectives: to find out and study theory on the teaching of speaking(mention the theme) to collect and summarize the gained data to draw conclusions The research question: Which methods are used to improve teaching the teaching of speaking? The methods of research: analysis of the theoretical material case study The tools of research and data collection: analysis of the teaching of speaking methods 1.THE TEACHING OF SPEAKING What is speaking? In fact, speaking is an action carrying out the information or expressing feelings and emotions, persons thoughts in spoken language. Speaking is also the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts (Chaney, 1998, p. 13). By the teaching of speaking is meant to produce the English speech sounds and sound patterns, use word and sentence stress, intonation patterns and the rhythm of the language, select appropriate words and sentences according to the proper social setting, audience, situation and subject matter, organize their thoughts in a meaningful and logical sequence and use language as a means of expressing values and judgments (Online 2). 1.1Strategies for Developing Speaking Skills According to the internet source, students often think that the ability to speak a language is the product of language learning, but speaking is also an important part of the language learning process. Effective instructors teach students speaking strategies using minimal responses, recognizing scripts, and using language to talk about language (Online 1). These strategies can help students to enlarge their knowledge of language. If the students are confident in speaking, it would be more easier to receive the other information while learning. 1.1.1Using minimal responses Language learners who are not confident about their ability to participate successfully in oral disscussions often listen in silence while others do the talking. One way to encourage such learners to begin to participate is to help them build up a stock of minimal responses that they can use in different types of exchanges. Such responses can be especially useful for beginners (Online 1). Minimal responses are predictable, often idiomatic phrases that conversation participants use to indicate understanding, agreement, doubt, and other responses to what another speaker is saying. Having a stock of such responses enables a learner to focus on what the other participant is saying, without having to simultaneously plan a response (Online 1). 1.1.2Recognizing scripts Some communication situations are associated with a predictable set of spoken exchanges a script. Greetings, apologies, compliments, invitations, and other functions that are influenced by social and cultural norms often follow patterns or scripts. So do the transactional exchanges involved in activities such as obtaining information and making a purchase. In these scripts, the relationship between a speakers turn and the one that follows it can often be anticipated. Instructors can help students develop speaking ability by making them aware of the scripts for different situations so that they can predict what they will hear and what they will need to say in response. Through interactive activities, instructors can give students practice in managing and varying the language that different scripts contain. 1.1.3Using language to talk about language Language learners are often too embarrassed or shy to say anything when they do not understand another speaker or when they realize that a conversation partner has not understood them. Instructors can help students overcome this reticence by assuring them that misunderstanding and the need for clarification can occur in any type of interaction, whatever the participants language skill levels. Instructors can also give students strategies and phrases to use for clarification and comprehension check. By encouraging students to use clarification phrases in class when misunderstanding occurs, and by responding positively when they do, instructors can create an authentic practice environment within the classroom itself. As they develop control of various clarification strategies, students will gain confidence in their ability to manage the various communication situations that they may encounter outside the classroom. 1.2How to teach speaking According to the given internet sources, now many linguists and teachers consider that students can improve their communication and speaking skills working into groups together with other students and playing real-life situations in the target language. To achieve the goal of speaking well, the students need to improve their language fluency (speaking smoothly), pronunciation (saying words properly) and enunciation (saying words and phrases clearly) (Online 4). Fluency comes from practice. Every English speaking person cannot improve speaking smoothly in some two months, it comes after longer time. T o get to the aim, there should be made speech of long, complicated sentences. For example, to build more fluent speech, a helper could be discussions, presentations, role plays, negations, debates, interviews and meetings. Pronunciation is the ability to say words properly with the correct sounds in the correct places (Online 4). To make words sound correctly, it can take very long time to develop the pronunciation. As suggested in the internet source, the student should focus on working on specific vowels, trouble consonants, and working on understanding movement and location of mouth and tongue when making sounds (Online 4). In phonetics, enunciation is the act of speaking. Good enunciation is the act of speaking clearly and concisely (Online 5). If the enunciation of the speech is pure, others will not be able to understand speakers speech. To avoid misunderstandings in the communication towards others, according to the internet sources, the student should pay attention to trouble word combinations, reductions, sentence and word level stress points and sentence level intonation patterns. 2.WHICH TEACHING METHODS ARE MORE PREFERABLE FOR STUDENTS THEMSELVES If there were a questionnaire, the aim of it would be to clear up which of the teaching methods are more understandable and useful for the students themselves. No one can answer to this question more precise and honestly as the students. CONCLUSIONS The teaching of speaking means that the teacher gives the knowledge to the student how to communicate with others, to produce sounds, words correctly and clearly, to use precisely intonation patterns, to choose appropriate themes which to speak to the proper social setting and audience. There are a lot of teaching methods which can be used in the teaching process, but, in my opinion, more preferable methods are those who are easier and understandable for the students. For instance, to make your speech more fluent and clearer, it can be enough to read articles with complicated vocabulary and sentence structure aloud every day. Rounding up, if the teacher is teaching in a simple manner and understandable for students. THESIS Speaking is an action carrying out the information or expressing feelings and emotions, persons thoughts in spoken language. Many linguists and teachers consider that students can improve their communication and speaking skills working into groups together with other students and playing real-life situations in the target language. To build more fluent speech, a helper could be discussions, presentations, role plays, negations, debates, interviews and meetings. Fluency comes from practice. Every English speaking person cannot improve speaking smoothly in some two months, it comes after longer time. Effective instructors teach students speaking strategies using minimal responses, recognizing scripts, and using language to talk about language.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
In Support of Parenting Education Essay -- Child Development
In an perfect world, every child would be wanted and loved, and all parents would have the capacity and the desire to raise children who are healthy, mentally and physically strong, and displaying high moral integrity. Sadly, this is not the case. Some parents are, unfortunately, not much interested in what happens with their children. Other parents are not pleased with what is happening in the home with their children but do not know what to do to create effective change. Still other parents are unaware that there is another way, a better way, of parenting. Parent education could help in all of these scenarios. The literature demonstrates that parenting interventions improve the quality of the relationship parents have with the children as well as improving child social behavior (Scott, O’Connor, Furth, Mathias, Price, and Doolan 2010). Programs have been particularly effective when delivered to motivated, ethnic majority parents, but there has been little study of programs that serve as interventions aimed at preventing a wide range of poor outcomes associated with antisocial behavior, such as involvement in risky lifestyles, low school attainment, and a lack of satisfactory friendships (Scott et al.). There are, of course, problems associated with delivery of parenting programs; the greatest challenge is getting parents to participate when there is no mandate that they do so. Skilled personnel may be another issue; urban areas may have sufficient counselors and educators, but rural areas may not. A third issue is cost, although, as pointed out by Scott et al., â€Å"programs can i n theory be justified since in the long run they should reduce the high cost of antisocial behavior arising from increased use of services, higher levels ... ... Perspective.†Professional School Counseling 14.3 (2011): 242-249. Brannon, Diana. â€Å"Character Educationâ€â€a Joint Responsibility.†Education Digest 73.8 (2008): 56- 60. Parker, David C., Nelson, Jennifer S., and Burns, Matthew K. â€Å"Comparison of Correlates of Classroom behavior problems in schools with and without a school-wide character education program. Psychology in the Schools 47.8 (2010): 817-827.. Reinberg, S. (2010). U.S. kids using media almost 8 hours a day. HealthDay News January 20, 2010. Retrieved from /635134.html Scott, Stephen; O’Connor, Thomas G.; Futh, Annabel; Mathias, Carla; Price, Jenny; and Doolan, Moira. â€Å"Impact of a Parenting Program in a High-Risk, Multi-Ethnic Community: the PALS Trial.†Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry 51.12 (2010): 1331-1341.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Hacking is Stealing Essay
Hacking started in the ‘70s when a group of friends decided to tap into phone lines and make calls for free. Those people were called Phone Phreaks, a group of young men who twisted technology and used their technological know-how to create simpler solutions to complicated problems. What started as an intrinsically good past time slowly became a form of pranksterism. The Phone Phreaks soon held phone conferences from everywhere in the world. However, Telephone companies were less than delighted, and phone tapping became a crime. As more and more Phone Phreaks got persecuted for these crimes, the movement stopped, and the Phone Phreaks were almost of the extrinct race. However, the sensibilities of trying to one-up learned engineers and big corporations did not die down. A couple years passed and the same Phone Phreaks discovered a new form of technology to â€Å"play†with: the computer. And the exact same people who started and led Phone Phreak conferences were the people who started hacking computers, a new revolutionary product that everyone wanted to have. Back then, computers really did not have any practical purpose at home, but for a hacker, the simple joy of watching the screen light up, and looking at moving blobs of colors were enough. However, with the advent of the internet, everything changed. When the internet was first used, all the information was open for everyone to use and manipulate. However, with the internet slowly becoming a place of business and transactions, where a lot of personal and, supposedly, confidential information about people and companies are stored, hackers posed as a huge threat What started as a hobby of manipulating electronics to prank people and find easier solutions for common problems turned into something more serious. While Phone Phreaking in the 70s was encouraged as somewhat of an exercise of the mind, computer hacking was a far different story. Computer hackers did not stop at pranking people; they started to use information they gained from hacking government and corporate computers. Hacking became a crime. According to PCWorld. About. com, some people even rigged phone systems to win two Porsches and other prizes at a radio contest. This poses an ethical problem that has always been a problem in society since the beginning of time: stealing. No matter what mode they use, may it be as blatant as rigging telephone lines to win prizes, or as furtive as stealing an identity to escape prosecution by the law, it is still all considered stealing. Taking someone else’s property, and using the results of someone else’s hard work (without permission, and through deceit) to your advantage is very unethical, and is one of the most basic things society teaches us not to do, no matter how hard times may be. Somehow, hackers forget that what they do is stealing, because they are too focused on breaking down systems and trying to outsmart companies and electronics. Hackers are intelligent people, yet instead creating their own products and reap the fruits of their own labor, they do the opposite, and use their skills and abilities to take advantage of other people’s weaknesses.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Longxi Machinery Works – Case Analysis
LongXi Machinery Works Problem Statement LongXi is geared to increase its market share for small multi-cylinder diesel engines but the growing quality concern over production of critical parts is jeopardizing LongXi’s growth in the agricultural sector market. Continued quality issues with our DGS, a critical part within LongXi’s Small Multi-Cylinder Diesel Engine has resulted in breakdown, engine failure and loss production at several customers. Customer complaints are increasing and we need to react to and eliminate our quality concerns. We must develop ways to improve quality in house. Our QC group is well established therefore we are recommending that we collect and analyze data relative to why the DGS is failing and from that data collection, make improvement to correct the recurring quality problems. Situation Analysis Customer Relationship Customer relations for LongXi Machinery Works are highlighted in the company’s background. We are one of several medium sized companies that share 55 per cent of the market share not occupied by larger single-cylinder engine manufacturers. Our primary market is the agricultural machinery sector of China. Since our inception, our competitive priority was in manufacturing various single and multi-cylinder diesel engines. These engines served four primary customers. Due to changes in China’s agricultural machinery sector that increased buying power, sales of diesel-powered agricultural machinery is seeing a ten percent continual growth over a five year period. Because of this growth, our sales estimate equate to 85 percent of the overall 10 percent growth over the same five year period. The attached table shows a comparison to one of our primary competitors – Changchou Diesel Engine Works (Changchai). As you can see from the comparison table, LongXi is a much smaller company to Changchai. Changchai is one of the four large manufacturers that account for 45 percent of the market and we are one of the several smaller companies that equate for the remaining 55 percent. Process Analysis Sawing Department The duo-gear shaft (DGS) is manufactured at LongXi using a batch manufacturing process in which small quantities of parts are process at a time. The process flow for the DGS starts in the warehouse where raw material is sawed to the desired length. Three of six machines are used to prepare the raw material for the DGS. Based on the initial step in the process flow, using the six available machines will allow more parts to flow through the process which would increase operating cost, but would significantly reduce process time. This process change could help in reducing the overall cost of the DGS unit. Machining Department The next operation in the manufacturing process is the machining process. This process consists of Grinding, Lathe and Drilling machines. Only the lathes and the drilling machines are used in this area of the machining department in the initial phase of the machining process. The lathe process is the first process in the machining department. After the lathe process, parts are stacked on each operator’s tool box until the material handler moves them to the drilling operation. After each machining process the parts are transported via carts by a material handler to the next process. Typically, in other machining operations, the lathe and drilling process could be combined into one operation where the parts would be cut to length and the holes would be drilled using the same machine. This would require significant capital investment by LongXi but it would reduce wait and transportation time between processes. This would also eliminate the need for operators to stack parts on their tool boxes. Thermal Treatment Department The thermal treatment process is the most important process in respect to the overall quality of the DGS part. As stated, thermal treatment is needed to develop the proper hardness of the DGS after the initial machining operations. With respect to the heat treatment process of the DGS, the DGS goes through a preheat process where the part is heated to approximately 200c – 300c for ten minutes. Workers were then expected to judge this process based on visual cues and overall time. Since this is the initial phase of the heat treatment process, it is important that the part is preheated to the correct temperature to maintain consistency throughout the remaining processes. Perhaps an automatic temperature sensor and timer can be added to the preheat furnace to indicate when the part is within the temperature range for the allotted time. This would eliminate the inconsistency of the workers judgment. Processing the DGS through the main furnace is set up to have the furnace monitor the heat cycle and times and then records them on a chart recorder. While this is good, the operator is once again asked to manually hold the parts until the cycle is complete. This again can introduce inconsistency into the process. The tempering process is a very important step in the overall heat treatment process. This step is automated and electrically controlled. There is a ten minute wait time for each basket of parts between the quenching process and the tempering process. The DGS is then returned to the machining department a second time for grinding. This operation is a two shift operation utilizing one operator per shift. The attached Fishbone chart outlines possible problems causes we are currently experiencing with the overall manufacturing process. In summary, the current process to manufacture the DGS is setup as a job shop where similar machines are grouped together. Although this process creates flexibility with the way product flow through each operation, the manufacturing process for the DGS at LongXi can be improved significantly. We need to create a separate process to manufacture the DGS. One way to do so is to start by combining processes to eliminate non-value-added activities such as part transfer between operations. The lathe and the drilling process can also be combined into one operation. Adding more automation for part transfer can also reduce NVA. As a result of combining processes, more floor space can be freed up for parts storage. Total Quality Management Quality Inspection Quality management is a major part of the DGS manufacturing process. Approximately 130 quality inspectors are responsible for quality throughout the organization. Three types of inspection are done throughout each operation. Initial Inspection, Patrol Inspection and Final Inspection. This is an area of quality that needs to be addressed. Typically in manufacturing operations this amount of inspection at each operation is excessive and can lead to problems instead of solutions. With the workers taking responsibility for quality and having a final inspection at the end of each process seem enough for the DGS process. Customer Satisfaction In terms of customer satisfaction most of our quality inspection is done to satisfy our internal customers or upstream processes. Quality is built into the product after each operation where the process is not complete until a final inspection. This done to ensure that the next process/customer receives a quality part with the belief that our external customer will ultimately receive a quality product. We are still working on satisfying our customer in the agricultural market sector in some areas. We are producing a product that meets our customer’s specification, our product has value and we provide adequate support when we have an engine failure. However, in the areas of consistent quality and on-time delivery, we are lacking and must improve. Employee Involvement Along with the other inspection processes within the departments, workers were also responsible for ensuring high quality production. A process called Self Inspection is used by workers to verify their own quality. Workers were also encouraged to use Mutual Inspection which meant that the quality of upstream operations was verified. Workers were also responsible for notifying quality inspectors to conduct other necessary inspections. Employee involvement is also active at LongXi through the formation of our QC Group. This group is made up of Line Workers, Managers, and Engineers. The main focus of the QC Group was to focus on the metallurgical issues that might be causing the quality problems with the DGS. The QC Group’s activities were guided by a manual called the â€Å"Method†. This manual gave direction on working routines, rules for quality improvement targets, and brainstorming techniques. Instructions for encouraging employee enthusiasm and customer suggestions were also included in the â€Å"Method†. We rely heavily on employee involvement as tools necessary to improve our overall product quality. We rely heavily on employee involvement in several ways. We have teams setup that establishes goals for marketing, production, profits and employee benefits. These goals are later translated into quotas which are distributed throughout the company and are analyzed monthly. To further implement and build upon the concept of employee involvement to improve overall product quality, each department within the company is viewed as a customer and efforts are being made to correct and eliminated product defects before it is passed on to the next customer. However, we must continue our efforts to improve overall quality. One immediate recommendation would be to continue the developing the Quality Group and the motivation/reward system that rewards employee involvement in quality improvements. There are significant gaps in training between the Quality Group members and the production line workers. Improving the reward system is also a significant improvement that needs to be addressed. Most of our re-accruing quality problems are being generated from lack of motivation of production and technical personnel. A better or improved reward/motivation system will help that problem. Continuous Improvement Most of LongXi’s continuous improvement efforts were driven by the overall goals of the SOE and the government of China, and demand for external customers. Most of the continuous improvement efforts were directed through the fulfillment of the â€Å"Market, Management, Quality, Profit†credo. The management team developed action plans in areas such as technological improvements, quality improvements, and new product introduction. The goals from the development of the action plans were then distributed throughout the company and each month, each department analyzed the actual versus what was planned. Continuous improvement is also being applied at LongXi such as: †¢ Adding new assembly lines. †¢ New group processing centers. †¢ Implementing action plans for technological improvements, quality improvements and new product introduction. In Summary, we have made significant steps to satisfy our customers, involve our employees and improve our product line but our overall product quality remains a major concern and the implementation of an overall quality system will be necessary to overcome this concern. Getting and keeping management involvement in the Quality Group is also a significant step forward in improving the current quality problem. Our management team will have to be more involved in driving and monitoring quality improvement goals especially at the production line worker level. This would ensure that overall production and quality issues are addressed and supported. Technical support continued to be inadequate at the production line worker level which is where the work is done to produce the DGS. Alternatives New Thermal Treatment Department | | | |Pro | |Con | |Focus on efficiency to improve quality | |Current production is hurting quality | |Capacity limited | |May not have space needed unless major improvements are made | |Complete automated process | |Significant investment | |New machines | |Older equipment relied on human Judgment | | | | | |Outsource the production of the DGS | | | |Pro | |Con | |Focus on efficiency to imp rove quality | |Part is inexpensive | | | |Continued quality problems impacting future business | | | |Company location | | | | | |Eliminate Products Using the DGS | | | |Pro | |Con |Focus on efficiency to improve quality | |Product is key to future sales | | | | | |Develop New Quality Process | | | |Pro | |Con | |Focus on efficiency to improve cost | |Different way of operating business | |Focus on improving quality | |Time | |Better customer satisfaction | |Re-training all employees | Decision and Action Plan We do not recommend eliminating the production of the DGS. This part is a critical part used in all of the multi-cylinder engines that we produce. Eliminating this product would significantly hurt our overall business of producing and selling multi-cylinder engines. We do not recommend outsourcing production of the DGS. The part is relatively inexpensive and outsourcing the part would add significant cost the engine. Also, it is unclear that this would eliminate the quality problems. We recommend that we consider improvements to the Thermal Treatment department. The best solution would be to make the process 100% automated to eliminate any judgment or inconsistency on the part of the production workers. Although buying new machines would be an acceptable implementation for this decision, it would require less capital investment and provide consistency throughout the thermal treatment process. We recommend that improvements to the initial phase of the thermal treatment process be implemented first since that is the critical first step in establishing verall consistency throughout the process. Although we have made significant improvement and received several quality awards, we recommend that improvement be implemented to provide more technical support at the production line worker level. This would r equire more management involvement to make sure the right individuals were placed on teams and included in workshops that could train and take information back to the production line. As far as long-range quality management, we recommend that in order to maintain our quality improvement efforts that we become ISO 9000 certified. This certification will validate our efforts and move us closer toward becoming a world class company. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Appendices | | | | | |COMPETITOR COMPARISON | | | | | | |Changchai | | | |LongXi | | | | | | | |Production Volume | | | |1. mil | | | |86,900 | | | | | | | |Revenues | | | |3 bil | | | |176 mil | | | | | | | |% of export sales | | | |8% | | | | | | | | | | |% domestic sales | | | |92% | | | |85% | | | | | | | |profit | | | |208 mil | | | |6. 5 mil | | | | | | | |gross margin/unit | | | |2. 6 bil | | | | | | | | | | | |verti cal integration | | | | | | | |yes | | | | | | | |external partnership | | | |yes | | | |yes | | | | | | | |ISO 9000 | | |yes | | | |no | | | | | | | |Technology investment | | | |yes | | | |yes | | | | | | | |Better Quality | | | |yes | | | |no | | | | | | | [pic]
America’s War in Iraq Essay
War, as it is defined to be is a conflict amid two or more nations, which results in organized violence between each of their military units in order to gain national sovereignty. It is a â€Å"universal phenomena,†whose intensity is defined by those who wage it. War has been seen to exist in the world since prehistoric times, where first it was only small scale raiding, today it is pronounced as an exhibition of military power, whose magnitude is on a constant surplus as the technology grows and is lead by a more modernized warfare. However, I would define war as unimaginable suffering of innocent people who are forced to become its victims, with no fault lying at their own sides. It is the not the politicians and policy makers who have to suffer its magnitude and the phase of its aftermath but rather it’s the soldier, the children, the elderly, the woman who pay off their decisions through the sacrifice of their homes, their families and their lives. The results that it webs to achieve are never obtained, whereas it only brings torture, corrosion of souls of the soldiers, fear to the citizens, destruction of the environment, uncontrollable expense, while it takes the war struck country decades back from its present growth and development. What our leaders forget to explain is that how they would be able establish peace and prosperity upon a graveyard of innocent martyrs and the blood of innocents. Iraq similarly is another such story of violence, sacrifice and blood brutally shed. It was a continuation of the revenge of America after the airplane crashes in New York, marking the 9/11. The actions of someone else’s were paid off by the innocents, who after Afghanistan were targeted as the next victims, the first bombardment starting from Baghdad, on March 20, 2003; and continues till now. A report published by the Washington Post in 2006, estimates that according to the death counts made by American and Iraqi epidemiologists, over 650,000 citizens have died in Iraq in the 3 years period of time. This according to the count defined by George W. Bush in 2005 is about 9 times more, and 10 times more than the count of the British research group. And as to why this war was waged, many reasons could be linked to it. More importantly it was America’s war against terrorism and its search for Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). The US army is believed to have made over 300 inspections by now, but has unfortunately not been able to find any such weapons, and even if there was any existence of such weapons then the army would have used them against the army when they firs attacked, however it was a rather peaceful conquer of the entire country which was claimed by the politicians to be a major threat to their country and the war just a mere act of self defense. As a Canadian site in an article on â€Å"An introduction to the Iraq War†reports Hans Blix, the UN Chief Weapons Inspector to have said that â€Å"It is sort of fascinating that you can have 100 percent certainty about weapons of mass destruction and zero certainty of about where they are. †(Green, 2008) And even if the war was about the WMD then why is it still lingering when no proof of the weapons has been found? However if America claims that the war was initially waged in order to eliminate Iraq from its tyrannical ruler Saddam Hussain, who was captured more than 5 years ago, then why is the war still continuing. And even if it was to eliminate the dictatorship from the country, to remove unjust rulers then why is it that civilian areas are the targets of American bombardment, that innocent children are being killed, and the Us army is rather planting American flags in the Iraqi soils. What sort of liberation does their presidency talk about? Book Review An answer to all these queries is found in the book â€Å"Blind into Baghdad: America’s war in Iraq†written by James Fallow. Print and radio journalist, working for the Atlantic Monthly since years, James Fallow is also the author of seven more books. His more pronounced works revolve around military and its policies, making assumptions and then predicting the future of action, if they are to be taken up by the government. Similarly is this book Fallow had previously made predictions of the outcome of the war if it was brought up by America and what were the flaws and where the government lacked behind in this war. It is a compilation of basically five articles which he wrote for his magazine the Atlantic Monthly, which he later assembled in the form of a collected book which even won the National Magazine Award in 2005. Elaborated with an introduction and a foreword, the 5 articles which it contains are: The fifty-first state, blind into Baghdad, Bush’s lost year, Why Iraq has no army, and Will Iran be next? Fallow calls the entire Iraq war a big failure for the US, blaming it onto the policy implementers that is the few leaders handling the orders rather than the administration itself which handled the situation. He states in his book that, â€Å"The U. S. occupation of Iraq is a debacle not because the government did no planning but because a vast amount of expert planning was willfully ignored by the people in charge. The inside story of a historic failure. †(Fallow, 2006) The book clearly identifies the fact that immediately after the attacks of 9/11, (the very next day), plans were being towards attacking Iraq and abducting Saddam Hussain from his throne, and a year before the war the future of the country was decided with positions and posts within the â€Å"to be occupied country†already given out. However, hat is not known to the media is that the day of the starting and ending of the war were prefixed then already, plus seventeen working groups were formulated who were to take matters such as Oil and Energy, Legal Framework, infrastructure rebuilding of the country in hand with $5 million at their disposal. However, why it all remained to be secretive was because of the ongoing Afghanistan war which kept both the media and the people enough occupied to notice this planning. The war was estimated to cost around $50 to 60 billion which the military refused to later agree to, while a 135 item checklist of postwar duties was circulated among the army under the title â€Å"Mission Matrix. †James also raises the question as o why the government wasn’t able to plan into the future of the occupation, when no WMD were found, hadn’t the regime of Bush thought of what negative effects such an unplanned and reasonless terrorism would have upon the country’s international image and the party’s political position. He further points out the president’s attraction towards the action of bigger actions responsible for â€Å"American prestige, fortune, and lives,†which constantly ignored all the warnings predicted by the officials, how Donald Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz continued to ignore all these warning reports and put everything up on stake with the preceding of the war. The â€Å"Bush’s Lost Year,†talks about the postwar position of the US in Iraq, of how it further declined its status in Afghanistan and its stance over the â€Å"war on terror. †â€Å"Why Iraq has no army,†refutes the very reason of US’s invasion into Iraq which was to get held of the WMD, no matter the army wasn’t able to recover the imagined weapons but also failed its estimation to such a high level that Iraq was so defensively weak that it didn’t even hold an independent army of its own. While lastly in â€Å"Will Iran be next? †he highlights further predictions of Iran being the next potential target. He explains it through the analysis of experts and various interviews taken from soldiers, spies, and diplomats who further explain the effects of an Iranian war and reasons towards it. James Fallow, like many other elite journalists through his writing explicitly shows his opposition towards the Iraq war and openly describes it as US’s stance towards terrorism, â€Å"If [the United States] did not have to attack, then it should not go ahead, not simply because of the complications within Iraq itself but because the way a war would inevitably suck time, money, and attention from every other aspect of a ‘war on terrorism’. †On the other hand, no matter James’s writings show are an insight towards the situation of the US leaders and their incompetence towards the wars proceedings and planning, many journalists such as Michael Gordon and General Bernard E. Trainor, blame him for being less skeptic towards his work. It is believed that no matter he kept a strong view against the war he did not prove his point through facts and true research but merely based them upon anecdotes and assumptions, which made him a big candidate of the blame game. Conclusion War in Iraq as believed by many intellects could have been easily avoided, through the accepting the surrender of Saddam Hussain, sending search teams for armaments of Mass Destruction, international supervision of elections and even if a matter of oil, by signing a treaty with Iraq, not a drop of blood could have been lost, and even the objectives could have been attained. Thus war is not the only solution to political and economical issues, as at present the consequences can be seen of the war where today political parties are running for election the blame of Iraqi war holds grave consequences for the initial policy makers who so ever are responsible would not to be forgiven by the public in the end. References Fallows, J. (2006). Blind into Baghdad. America’s War in Iraq. New York: Vintage Books.Brown, D. October 11, 2006. Study Claims Iraq’s ‘Excess’ Death Toll Has Reached 655,000. Washington Post. Retrieved on November 2, 2008, from http://www. washingtonpost. com/wpdyn/content/article/2006/10/10/AR2006101001442. html Green, R. Introduction to the Iraq War Essays. Canadian Mind Products. Retrieved on November 2, 2008 from http://mindprod. com/politics/iraqintroduction. html .
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
My First Speech Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
My First Speech Experience - Essay Example Within the next few paragraphs I shall look into what makes for a well structured speech and the other aspects of speech delivery that I can improve upon. My critique shall help to answer the following questions: 1. How did I prepare for my speech? How did I feel as I delivered the speech in front of the class? 2. What were my weak and strong points? 3. What would I do differently next time I deliver a speech? I chose to prepare for my speech by memorizing the content. I felt that by doing so I would be able to maintain eye contact with my audience and quite possibly lessen the nervousness that I would be feeling by being able to lock my eyes onto a particular target and concentrate on the target in the audience to help ease my tension. There was however, one drawback to my memorizing the whole speech. Once I got distracted and lost track of my thoughts, I froze and was almost unable to continue with my speech as I had to quickly start over the speech silently in my head so I could continue from what I felt was the point where I stopped. In order to prepare for the actual delivery of my speech, I spent numerous hours preparing by practicing my delivery in front of my classmates. I also made it a point to rehearse with a classmate from my speech class. He recorded my delivery and we reviewed the material after I delivered my speech in order to find my weak points then we went back and worked on those target areas for further improvement.
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