Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Evidence Collection Policy Essay Example for Free
Evidence Collection Policy Essay 1.What are the main concerns when collecting evidence? That you are thorough, collect everything, do it in the proper and official manner, and that you do not tamper with or alter anything. 2.What precautions are necessary to preserve evidence state? Usually what is done is all of the evidence is duplicated several times and any processes involved with the investigation are done with the duplicates to ensure that the actual evidence isn’t altered in any way. 3.How do you ensure evidence remains in its initial state? It is duplicated and then stored in climate controlled conditions. 4.What information and procedures are necessary to ensure evidence is admissible in court? Whoever conducts the investigation does so in a previously mandated, official, and legally recognized manner. Information Systems Security Incident Response Policy I. Title A. Name: Information Systems Security Incident Response Policy B. Number: : 20070103-secincidentresp C. Author(s): David Millar (ISC Information Security) and Lauren Steinfeld (Chief Privacy Officer) D. Status: Approved E. Date Proposed: 2005-10-24 F. Date Revised: G. Date Approved: 2007-01-03 H. Effective Date: 2007-01-16 II. Authority and Responsibility Information Systems and Computing is responsible for the operation of Penn’s data networks (PennNet) as well as the establishment of information security policies, guidelines, and standards. The Office of Audit, Compliance and Privacy has authority to develop and oversee policies and procedures regarding the privacy of personal information. These offices therefore have the authority and responsibility to specify security incident response requirements to protect those networks as well as University data contained on those networks. III. Executive Summary This policy defines the response to computer security incidents. IV. Purpose This policy defines the steps that personnel must use to ensure that security incidents are identified, contained, investigated, and remedied. It also provides a process for documentation, appropriate reporting internally and externally, and communication so that organizational learning occurs. Finally, it establishes responsibility and accountability for all steps in the process of addressing computer security incidents. V. Risk of Non-compliance Without an effective incident response process, corrective action may be delayed and harmful effects unnecessarily exacerbated. Further, proper communication allows the University key learning opportunities to improve the security of data and networks. Individuals who fail to comply are subject to sanctions as appropriate under Penn policies. VI. Definitions Confidential University Data includes: * Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information–Information relating to an individual that reasonably identifies the individual and, if compromised, could cause significant harm to that individual or to Penn. Examples may include, but are not limited to: Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, bank account information, student grades or disciplinary information, salary or employee performance information, donations, patient health information, information Penn has promised to keep confidential, and account passwords or encryption keys used to protect access to Confidential University Data. * Proprietary Information–Data, information, or intellectual property in which the University has an exclusive legal interest or ownership right, which, if compromised could cause significant harm to Penn. Examples may include, but are not limited to, business planning, financial information, trade secret, copyrighted material, and software or comparable material from a third party when the University has agreed to keep such information confidential. * Any other data the disclosure of which could cause significant harm to Penn or its constituents. Security Incident. There are two types of Security Incidents: Computer Security Incidents and Confidential Data Security Incidents. * A Computer Security Incident is any event that threatens the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of University systems, applications, data, or networks. University systems include, but are not limited to: servers, desktops, laptops, workstations, PDAs, network servers/processors, or any other electronic data storage or transmission device. * A Confidential Data Security Incident is a subset of Computer Security Incidents that specifically threatens the security or privacy of Confidential University Data. User. A Penn user is any faculty, staff, consultant, contractor, student, or agent of any of the above. VII. Scope This policy applies to all Users. It applies to any computing devices owned or leased by the University of Pennsylvania that experience a Computer Security Incident. It also applies to any computing device regardless of ownership, which either is used to store Confidential University Data, or which, if lost, stolen, or compromised, and based on its privileged access, could lead to the unauthorized disclosure of Confidential University Data. Examples of systems in scope include, but are not limited to, a User’s personally owned home computer that is used to store Confidential University Data, or that contains passwords that would give access to Confidential University Data. This policy does not cover incidents involving the University of Pennsylvania Health System (UPHS) information systems, which has a separate incident response policy. ISC Information Security will coordinate with UPHS as appropriate when UPHS computing devices, data, or personnel are involved. VIII. Statement of Policy A. Overview of Penn’s Incident Response Program All Computer Security Incidents must be reported to ISC Information Security promptly. See Section B below. All Confidential Data Security Incidents must: a. Generate the creation of an Immediate Response Team, as designated by the Information Security Officer (ISO), on a per incident basis. See Section C below. b. Follow appropriate Incident Handling procedures. See Sections C and D below. iii. ISC Information Security, under the direction of the Vice President for Information Systems and Computing (VP-ISC) is responsible for logging, investigating, and reporting on security incidents. See Sections D and E below. B. Identifying and Reporting Computer Security Incidents i. Users and Local Support Providers (LSPs). In the event that a User or an LSP detects a suspected or confirmed Computer Security Incident, the User must report it to his or her Local Security Officer or IT Director for issues including but not limited to viruses, worms, local attacks, denial of service attacks, or possible disclosure of Confidential University Data. ii. Local IT Management. Local IT Management must notify ISC Information Security of all Computer Security Incidents, except for categories of incidents that ISC Information Security may designate in Appendix I of this policy. iii. ISC Information Security. ISC Information Security shall notify appropriate systems administrators and other personnel of all emergency and attack incidents, as well as all suspicious activity incidents when it believes that an administrator’s system is at risk. The system’s administrators will then work with ISC Information Security to properly address the incident and minimize the risk of future occurrences. C. Immediate Response Team i. Purpose. The purpose of each Immediate Response Team is to supplement Penn’s information security infrastructure and minimize the threat of damage resulting from Computer Security Incidents. ii. Per Incident Basis. An Immediate Response Team shall be created for Confidential Data Security Incidents. iii. Membership. Membership on the Immediate Response Team shall be as designated by the ISO. In most cases, members shall include a representative from ISC Information Security and from the affected School or Center’s technical and management staff. iv. Responsibilities. Responsibilities of the Immediate Response Team are to assess the incident and follow incident handling procedures, appropriate to the incident as determined by the ISO. v. Confidentiality. Immediate Response Team members will share information about security incidents beyond the Immediate Response Team only on a need-to-know basis, and only after consultation with all other team members. D. Incident Handling. For incidents requiring the formation of an Immediate Response Team, the following is a list of response priorities that should be reviewed and followed as recommended by the ISO. The most important items are listed first: i. Safety and Human Issues. If an information system involved in an incident affects human life and safety, responding to any incident involving any life-critical or safety-related system is the most important priority. ii. Address Urgent Concerns. Schools and Centers may have urgent concerns about the availability or integrity of critical systems or data that must be addressed promptly. ISC Information Security shall be available for consultation in such cases. iii. Establish Scope of Incident. The Immediate Response Team shall promptly work to establish the scope of the incident and to identify the extent of systems and data affected. If it appears that personally identifiable information may have been compromised, the Immediate Response Team shall immediately inform the VP-ISC and the Chief Privacy Officer (CPO). iv. Containment. Once life-critical and safety issues have been resolved, the Immediate Response Team shall identify and implement actions to be taken to reduce the potential for the spread of an incident or its consequences across additional systems and networks. Such steps may include requiring that the system be disconnected from the network. v. Develop Plan for Preservation of Evidence. The Immediate Response Team shall develop a plan promptly upon learning about an incident for identifying and implementing appropriate steps to preserve evidence, consistent with needs to restore availability. Preservation plans may include preserving relevant logs and screen captures. The affected system may not be rebuilt until the Immediate Response Team determines that appropriate evidence has been preserved. Preservation will be addressed as quickly as possible to restore availability that is critical to maintain business operations. vi. Investigate the Incident. The Immediate Response Team shall investigate the causes of the incident and future preventative actions. During the investigation phase, members of the incident response team will attempt to determine exactly what happened during the incident, especially the vulnerability that made the incident possible. In short, investigators will attempt to answer the following questions: Who? What? Where? When? How? vii. Incident-Specific Risk Mitigation. The Immediate Response Team shall identify and recommend strategies to mitigate risk of harm arising from the incident, including but not limited to reducing, segregating, or better protecting personal, proprietary, or mission critical data. viii. Restore Availability. Once the above steps have been taken, and upon authorization by the Immediate Response Team, the availability of affected devices or networks may be restored. ix. Penn-Wide Learning. The Immediate Response Team shall develop and arrange for implementation of a communications plan to spread learning from the security incident throughout Penn to individuals best able to reduce risk of recurrence of such incident. E. Senior Response Team (SRT). If the ISO or CPO in their judgment believe that the incident reasonably may cause significant harm to the subjects of the data or to Penn, each may recommend to the VP-ISC or Associate Vice President for Audit, Compliance and Privacy (AVP-OACP) that a Senior Response Team be established. The Senior Response Team shall be comprised of senior-level officials as designated by the VP-ISC or AVP-OACP. The Senior Response Team shall: i. Establish whether additional executive management should be briefed and the plan for such briefing. ii. Determine, with final approval by the General Counsel, whether Penn shall make best efforts to notify individuals whose personal identifiable information may have been at risk. In making this determination, the following factors shall be considered: a. legal duty to notify b. length of compromise c. human involvement d. sensitivity of data e. existence of evidence that data was accessed and acquired f. concerns about personnel with access to the data g. existence of evidence that machine was compromised for reasons other than accessing and acquiring data h. additional factors recommended for consideration by members of the Immediate Response Team or the Senior Response Team. iii. Review and approve any external communication regarding the incident. F. Documentation i. Log of security incidents. ISC Information Security shall maintain a log of all reportable security incidents recording the date, School or Center affected, whether or not the affected machine was registered as a critical host, the type of Confidential University Data affected (if any), number of subjects (if applicable), and a summary of the reason for the intrusion, and the corrective measure taken. ii. Critical Incident Report. ISC Information Security shall issue a Critical Incident Report for every reportable security incident affecting machines qualifying as Critical Hosts, or other priority incidents in the judgment of ISC Information Security describing in detail the circumstances that led to the incident, and a plan to eliminate the risk. iii. Annual Summary Report. ISC Information Security shall provide annually for the VP-ISC and AVP-OACP a report providing statistics and summary-level information about all significant incidents reported, and providing recommendation s and plans to mitigate known risks. IX. Best Practices A. Preserving Evidence: It is essential to consult Penn Information Security when handling Computer Security Incidents. However, if Information Security is not available for emergency consultation, the following practices are recommended: i. Generally, if it is necessary to copy computer data to preserve evidence for an incident, it is a good idea to use bit-wise file-system copy utilities that will produce an exact image, (e.g.UNIX dd) rather than to use file level utilities which can alter some file meta-data. ii. When making forensic backups, always take a cryptographic hash (such as an SHA-1 hash) of both the original object and of the copied object to verify the authenticity of the copy. Consult your System Administrator if you have questions. iii. Assigning members to an Immediate Response Team: In cases where an incident involves an investigation into misconduct, the School or Center should consider carefully whom to assign to the Immediate Response Team. For example, one may not wish to assign an IT professional who works closely with the individual(s) being investigated. X. Compliance A. Verification: ISC Information Security and the Office of Audit, Compliance and Privacy will verify any known computing security incidents as having been reported and documented as defined by this policy. B. Notification: Violations of this policy will be reported by ISC Security and the Office of Audit, Compliance and Privacy to the Senior Management of the Business Unit affected. C. Remedy: The incident will be recorded by ISC Information Security and any required action to mitigate the harmful affects of the attack will be initiated in cooperation with the Business Unit Security Officer/Liaison. D. Financial Implications: The owner of the system shall bear the costs associated with ensuring compliance with this policy. E. Responsibility: Responsibility for compliance with this policy lies with the system administrator, system owner, and Business Unit’s Senior Manager. F. Time Frame: All incidents involving critical hosts systems and networks must be reported immediately. All other incidents should be reported within one business day of determining something has occurred. G. Enforcement: Compliance with this policy will be enforced by disconnecting any machines that may compromise the University network, or other machines with Confidential University Data. Workforce members not adhering to the policy may be subject to sanctions as defined by University policies. H. Appeals: Appeals are decided by the Vice President for Information Systems and Computing. XI. References 1. PennNet Computer Security Policy at 2. Critical PennNet Host Security Policy at 3. Policy on Computer Disconnection from PennNet at 4. Adherence to University Policy at 5. Policy on Security of Electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) at Appendix I The following category of incidents need not be reported to Penn Information Security: * Unsuccessful network scans
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Formalistic Reading of Sens New York Times :: Sudeep Sen
Sudeep Sen’s â€Å"New York Times†basically deals with a strong sense of life in New York. This poem consists of thirty lines altogether in six stanzas, depicting a clear description of one’s every day life at a fast pace in the first four stanzas and gradually mellows down to a slower motion, where reflection manages to take place. From the first sentence itself, â€Å"Every morning in relentless hurry, I scurry/†there is the sense of hurriedness and swiftness as if â€Å"I†is in a rat race. â€Å"Scurry†is normally associated with rats, always scamper and in a rush all the time. Readers have a dramatic image of the fast events that are happening to the persona. This can be witnessed through the â€Å"spilled coffee†indicating the lack of time to even stop for a sip of drink or breakfast. In New York, time does not stand still. Since every moment passes in a fast manner, the persona doesn’t even realise â€Å"it’s lunch time, and then,/ evening, late,/ being herded home †¦Ã¢â‚¬ mechanically as if he has lost control of his own life. Besides the dictions chosen, Sen uses less punctuation in each line of the first four stanzas to represent the quickness and the rapidity of the persona in the midst of New York City. Sen also utilises the idea of illusion in his dictions to indicate the speed of the people in this city. This can be seen in line 17, â€Å"where walking means/ running, driving means speeding,/†and since time passes in a wink of an eye, persona couldn’t even remember the days in the weekend as Sen states in line 14 – 17, â€Å"In this city, I/ count the passage of time only by weekends/ linked by five-day flashes I don’t/ even remember.†Everybody seems to be â€Å"speeding in the subway of mute faces/†. Being busy in the city, has transformed people to be so automated, mechanical person with their â€Å"mute faces†, no one cares to say hi to each other or even to smile to the person sitting next to you. However, in the last line of the fourth stanza, â€Å"But somewhere, somehow, times takes its toll,/†is seen as the turning point in this poem. This sentence is depicting the reflection as if the persona stops to think for a moment. Formalistic Reading of Sen's New York Times :: Sudeep Sen Sudeep Sen’s â€Å"New York Times†basically deals with a strong sense of life in New York. This poem consists of thirty lines altogether in six stanzas, depicting a clear description of one’s every day life at a fast pace in the first four stanzas and gradually mellows down to a slower motion, where reflection manages to take place. From the first sentence itself, â€Å"Every morning in relentless hurry, I scurry/†there is the sense of hurriedness and swiftness as if â€Å"I†is in a rat race. â€Å"Scurry†is normally associated with rats, always scamper and in a rush all the time. Readers have a dramatic image of the fast events that are happening to the persona. This can be witnessed through the â€Å"spilled coffee†indicating the lack of time to even stop for a sip of drink or breakfast. In New York, time does not stand still. Since every moment passes in a fast manner, the persona doesn’t even realise â€Å"it’s lunch time, and then,/ evening, late,/ being herded home †¦Ã¢â‚¬ mechanically as if he has lost control of his own life. Besides the dictions chosen, Sen uses less punctuation in each line of the first four stanzas to represent the quickness and the rapidity of the persona in the midst of New York City. Sen also utilises the idea of illusion in his dictions to indicate the speed of the people in this city. This can be seen in line 17, â€Å"where walking means/ running, driving means speeding,/†and since time passes in a wink of an eye, persona couldn’t even remember the days in the weekend as Sen states in line 14 – 17, â€Å"In this city, I/ count the passage of time only by weekends/ linked by five-day flashes I don’t/ even remember.†Everybody seems to be â€Å"speeding in the subway of mute faces/†. Being busy in the city, has transformed people to be so automated, mechanical person with their â€Å"mute faces†, no one cares to say hi to each other or even to smile to the person sitting next to you. However, in the last line of the fourth stanza, â€Å"But somewhere, somehow, times takes its toll,/†is seen as the turning point in this poem. This sentence is depicting the reflection as if the persona stops to think for a moment.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Meaning of Life and Hockey Essay
It may not seem like it, but there are quite a few similarities between the Baliness cock-fight and hockey in Canada. The cockfight is a major sporting event in the Baliness community and hockey is a major sport for Canadians. In both, the objective is to win. In the Baliness society a person can’t bet against a cock from the family, or village, but can bet against an enemy. One should not be betting against you own hometown team in hockey. 2 roosters have sharp metal spurs on their legs, are to fight until the death. Men surround them shouting for their favorites, placing wagers. Cock has a double meaning of rooster, and male penis. There are the same jokes in America. The baliness word for cock, has other meanings of hero, warrior, and champion. They are held in arenas, the winner gets to take the loser home to eat. A man will never bet against a family or friend. He will place bets against an enemy. Cocks usually fight against out of town. The owners of cocks are leaders in communities. There was rarely a profit made, it is about status. Cocks represent men and owners. The fate of the cock is the fate of the owner. Hockey and cock-fighting are both spectating sports, where we pick a side. There are similar expressions used like â€Å"roughing and slashing†. Canadians love fighting too. Winnings and losing is important in both hockey and cock-fighting. Winners celebrate, losers are depressed. Hockey brings Canadians together. It may not seem like it, but there are quite a few similarities between the Baliness cock-fight and hockey in Canada. The cockfight is a major sporting event in the Baliness community and hockey is a major sport for Canadians. In both, the objective is to win. In the Baliness society a person can’t bet against a cock from the family, or village, but can bet against an enemy. One should not be betting against you own hometown team in hockey. 2 roosters have sharp metal spurs on their legs, are to fight until the death. Men surround them shouting for their favorites, placing wagers. Cock has a double meaning of rooster, and male penis. There are the same jokes in America. The baliness word for cock, has other meanings of hero, warrior, and champion. They are held in arenas, the winner gets to take the loser home to eat. A man will never bet against a family or friend. He will place bets against an enemy. Cocks usually fight against out of town. The owners of cocks are leaders in communities. There was rarely a profit made, it is about status. Cocks represent men and owners. The fate of the cock is the fate of the owner. Hockey and cock-fighting are both spectating sports, where we pick a side. There are similar expressions used like â€Å"roughing and slashing†. Canadians love fighting too. Winnings and losing is important in both hockey and cock-fighting. Winners celebrate, losers are depressed. Hockey brings Canadians together. It may not seem like it, but there are quite a few similarities between the Baliness cock-fight and hockey in Canada. The cockfight is a major sporting event in the Baliness community and hockey is a major sport for Canadians. In both, the objective is to win. In the Baliness society a person can’t bet against a cock from the family, or village, but can bet against an enemy. One should not be betting against you own hometown team in hockey. 2 roosters have sharp metal spurs on their legs, are to fight until the death. Men surround them shouting for their favorites, placing wagers. Cock has a double meaning of rooster, and male penis. There are the same jokes in America. The baliness word for cock, has other meanings of hero, warrior, and champion. They are held in arenas, the winner gets to take the loser home to eat. A man will never bet against a family or friend. He will place bets against an enemy. Cocks usually fight against out of town. The owners of cocks are leaders in communities. There was rarely a profit made, it is about status. Cocks represent men and owners. The fate of the cock is the fate of the owner. Hockey and cock-fighting are both spectating sports, where we pick a side. There are similar expressions used like â€Å"roughing and slashing†. Canadians love fighting too. Winnings and losing is important in both hockey and cock-fighting. Winners celebrate, losers are depressed. Hockey brings Canadians together. It may not seem like it, but there are quite a few similarities between the Baliness cock-fight and hockey in Canada. The cockfight is a major sporting event in the Baliness community and hockey is a major sport for Canadians. In both, the objective is to win. In the Baliness society a person can’t bet against a cock from the family, or village, but can bet against an enemy. One should not be betting against you own hometown team in hockey. 2 roosters have sharp metal spurs on their legs, are to fight until the death. Men surround them shouting for their favorites, placing wagers. Cock has a double meaning of rooster, and male penis. There are the same jokes in America. The baliness word for cock, has other meanings of hero, warrior, and champion. They are held in arenas, the winner gets to take the loser home to eat. A man will never bet against a family or friend. He will place bets against an enemy. Cocks usually fight against out of town. The owners of cocks are leaders in communities. There was rarely a profit made, it is about status. Cocks represent men and owners. The fate of the cock is the fate of the owner. Hockey and cock-fighting are both spectating sports, where we pick a side. There are similar expressions used like â€Å"roughing and slashing†. Canadians love fighting too. Winnings and losing is important in both hockey and cock-fighting. Winners celebrate, losers are depressed. Hockey brings Canadians together. It may not seem like it, but there are quite a few similarities between the Baliness cock-fight and hockey in Canada. The cockfight is a major sporting event in the Baliness community and hockey is a major sport for Canadians. In both, the objective is to win. In the Baliness society a person can’t bet against a cock from the family, or village, but can bet against an enemy. One should not be betting against you own hometown team in hockey. 2 roosters have sharp metal spurs on their legs, are to fight until the death. Men surround them shouting for their favorites, placing wagers. Cock has a double meaning of rooster, and male penis. There are the same jokes in America. The baliness word for cock, has other meanings of hero, warrior, and champion. They are held in arenas, the winner gets to take the loser home to eat. A man will never bet against a family or friend. He will place bets against an enemy. Cocks usually fight against out of town. The owners of cocks are leaders in communities. There was rarely a profit made, it is about status. Cocks represent men and owners. The fate of the cock is the fate of the owner. Hockey and cock-fighting are both spectating sports, where we pick a side. There are similar expressions used like â€Å"roughing and slashing†. Canadians love fighting too. Winnings and losing is important in both hockey and cock-fighting. Winners celebrate, losers are depressed. Hockey brings Canadians together. It may not seem like it, but there are quite a few similarities between the Baliness cock-fight and hockey in Canada. The cockfight is a major sporting event in the Baliness community and hockey is a major sport for Canadians. In both, the objective is to win. In the Baliness society a person can’t bet against a cock from the family, or village, but can bet against an enemy. One should not be betting against you own hometown team in hockey. 2 roosters have sharp metal spurs on their legs, are to fight until the death. Men surround them shouting for their favorites, placing wagers. Cock has a double meaning of rooster, and male penis. There are the same jokes in America. The baliness word for cock, has other meanings of hero, warrior, and champion. They are held in arenas, the winner gets to take the loser home to eat. A man will never bet against a family or friend. He will place bets against an enemy. Cocks usually fight against out of town. The owners of cocks are leaders in communities. There was rarely a profit made, it is about status. Cocks represent men and owners. The fate of the cock is the fate of the owner. Hockey and cock-fighting are both spectating sports, where we pick a side. There are similar expressions used like â€Å"roughing and slashing†. Canadians love fighting too. Winnings and losing is important in both hockey and cock-fighting. Winners celebrate, losers are depressed. Hockey brings Canadians together. It may not seem like it, but there are quite a few similarities between the Baliness cock-fight and hockey in Canada. The cockfight is a major sporting event in the Baliness community and hockey is a major sport for Canadians. In both, the objective is to win. In the Baliness society a person can’t bet against a cock from the family, or village, but can bet against an enemy. One should not be betting against you own hometown team in hockey. 2 roosters have sharp metal spurs on their legs, are to fight until the death. Men surround them shouting for their favorites, placing wagers. Cock has a double meaning of rooster, and male penis. There are the same jokes in America. The baliness word for cock, has other meanings of hero, warrior, and champion. They are held in arenas, the winner gets to take the loser home to eat. A man will never bet against a family or friend. He will place bets against an enemy. Cocks usually fight against out of town. The owners of cocks are leaders in communities. There was rarely a profit made, it is about status. Cocks represent men and owners. The fate of the cock is the fate of the owner. Hockey and cock-fighting are both spectating sports, where we pick a side. There are similar expressions used like â€Å"roughing and slashing†. Canadians love fighting too. Winnings and losing is important in both hockey and cock-fighting. Winners celebrate, losers are depressed. Hockey brings Canadians together. It may not seem like it, but there are quite a few similarities between the Baliness cock-fight and hockey in Canada. The cockfight is a major sporting event in the Baliness community and hockey is a major sport for Canadians. In both, the objective is to win. In the Baliness society a person can’t bet against a cock from the family, or village, but can bet against an enemy. One should not be betting against you own hometown team in hockey. 2 roosters have sharp metal spurs on their legs, are to fight until the death. Men surround them shouting for their favorites, placing wagers. Cock has a double meaning of rooster, and male penis. There are the same jokes in America. The baliness word for cock, has other meanings of hero, warrior, and champion. They are held in arenas, the winner gets to take the loser home to eat. A man will never bet against a family or friend. He will place bets against an enemy. Cocks usually fight against out of town. The owners of cocks are leaders in communities. There was rarely a profit made, it is about status. Cocks represent men and owners. The fate of the cock is the fate of the owner. Hockey and cock-fighting are both spectating sports, where we pick a side. There are similar expressions used like â€Å"roughing and slashing†. Canadians love fighting too. Winnings and losing is important in both hockey and cock-fighting. Winners celebrate, losers are depressed. Hockey brings Canadians together.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Understanding Human Behavior Through Sociology - 1860 Words
The purpose of this reflection is to provide my understanding on what I have learned in class about the various leadership skills and social justice by showing how taking this course expands my knowledge. In doing so, I examine and contemplate four sociological topics with the intent of fostering a greater understanding of the topics and how they coalesce within the social constructs of the United States. The four topics are: understanding human behavior through sociology; oppression; hegemony; and, social justice. â€Å"The term sociology was first used by Frenchman Auguste Compte in the 1830s when he proposed a synthetic science uniting all knowledge about human activity†(ASA, 2008). In short, sociologists’ aim is to explain issues in terms†¦show more content†¦By understanding these groups and how they function within the economic, social, and political constructs we can begin to understand the challenges and prejudices that each group harbors for the other. Although gender defines only two main groups, special interests within each gender often define a subgroup. For example, women may lobby for equal pay, and men may lobby for paternity leave, and both genders are likely to support the other in their respective endeavors because each gender can benefit by the others success. Men can benefit by women receiving equal pay because the overall household income increases. Women can benefit by men receiving patently leave because the duties of new parenthood can be more equitably shared. Sociologists also categorize people into groups based on sexual preference, as evidenced by the acronym LGBT. Lesbian women, gay men, bisexual people, and transgender people are often the target of prejudice and discrimination. Understanding how the group functions within society is largely based on our understanding of how the group and its individuals react to acts of prejudice and discrimination as well as policies and laws that limit or adversely impact their daily lives, such as laws limiting the marriage of same-sex couples. Understanding the functionality of racial and ethnic groups is based on our understanding of how the individuals within the groups experience real and perceived prejudices, how the individuals relate to members withinShow MoreRelatedSociology and The Natural Sciences Essay1067 Words  | 5 PagesSociology is the study of society as well as the pursuit of knowledge regarding human social activities however, the entity’s legitimacy as a science is a concept worth discussion. Although sociology is different at face value than the natural sciences, the two possess fundamental similarities by which problems are recognized and explained. 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The ages from the interviewee’s ranged from 19 to 56. All of my respondent’s in this research were white. The five respondents had a different socioeconomic status. One of the respondents is still in school, and does not work at the moment, so I listed her as a low socioeconomic class. I interviewed both of my parents, and they are at a middleRead MoreSociology : Sociology And Sociological Thinking978 Words  | 4 PagesSociology and sociological thinking are a vital part of society, and through examining both society and individuals, sociology is able to make changes to areas such as policies, and attitudes that may have usually negatively affected them, and instead gained a positive result through the careful research, and applied knowledge. Sociology is the study of groups and individuals and the cause and effects of each, to each other, and overall society. ‘Sociology is a technical and difficult subject andRead MoreSocietys Construction of Reality Essay711 Words  | 3 Pagestruth in it. It can be said that we as people change the world through our ideals and our actions. Our ideals foster developmental changes in society, while our actions foster equal if not greater reactions which changes the way society functions. Society is composed of norms and sanctions. Norms are rules which mandate which things people should or should not do, say, or think in different situations(from: Sociology An Introduction). Norms are both written and non-written. The moreRead MoreLike Any Scientific Discipline, Sociology Has Its Own Object1455 Words  | 6 PagesLike any scientific discipline, sociology has its own object and subject of research. The object is understood as the sphere of reality that is to be studied, and to this the research is directed. Consequently, the object of sociology is society. But society is explored by many disciplines, such as history, philosophy, economics, political science, etc. At the same time, each of the named social sciences distinguishes its specific aspects, the properties of the object, which become the subject ofRead MoreSociology : Sociological And Scientific Study Of Human Behavior And Social Interaction1037 Words  | 5 PagesGiven the many theories and ideas that have influenced the development of sociology, it is possible to misunderstand what sociology truly means. As humanity enters into the 21st century, the study of society has become more relevant than ever. In this day and age where everybody is part of a society, it is crucial to understand the social dynamics invisible to the naked eye. Sociology provides critical insight into what problems our world currently faces and what we can do to prevent further problemsRead MoreImportant Sociological Concepts1078 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿Title Page What is an Organization? How I Intend to Broaden My Accountants Perspective Through Sociology Thesis Statement Even though a well-informed person might question why the study of sociology is related to my chosen field as an accountant I know how valuable the study of sociology is with regards to the attention to detail and person-to-person human interactions I am committed to in my field. There are important links between working with financial data and interacting as a teamRead MoreAsdfghjkl894 Words  | 4 PagesSociology Research Area * * Aging and the Life Course * Alcohol and Substance Abuse * Asia amp; Asian America * Collective Behavior and Social Movements * Community and Urban Sociology * Comparative and Historical Sociology * Sociology and Computers * Crime, Law amp; Deviance * Economic Sociology * Environment amp; Technology * Family amp; Marriage * History of Sociology * International Migration * Latino/aRead MoreWhat I Have Learned From A Social Theory Class1240 Words  | 5 PagesMead Cooley In this sociology paper I will present what I have learned from this social theory class. We learned about many miraculous theorists such as Karl Marx, Auguste Comete, Herb Spencer, Emile Durkheim and many more theorists. I will present what I have learned by comparing and contrasting George Herbert Mead and Charles Horton Cooley. This paper will examine what both of these great theorists studied, some of their background info and theory. George Herbert Mead George Herbert Mead
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