Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Essay Ethics and Integrity - 1219 Words
Reflective Essay # 2: Integrity Article Integrity: Without It Nothing Works I have learned a great deal about the difference between integrity, morality, and ethics. From the article, the term integrity means that it is â€Å"a matter of a person’s wordâ€â€nothing more and nothing less†. It is important that one should know the difference between integrity, morality, and ethics. I learned that integrity is more on the commitment a person makes and keeps to fulfill what he/she said he would do. I feel it poignantly relates to my experience right now as I am writing this article. I am truly grateful once again Brother Preece for this opportunity to submit this article. I’m thankful that you have allowed me to send it till this last day of the†¦show more content†¦Both morality and integrity, as mentioned in the article, relate to desirable vs. undesirable behavior. Integrity is a virtue in the professional world that goes hand in hand with workability. One can be a man or woman of integrity by making and keeping their word. If they say that they are going to do something, then they exert their best efforts to truly do what they said they would do and end up doing it. The other part of integrity is when after exerting all efforts to fulfill their word but have failed due to some circumstances, then they will communicate to the people they committed to that it wouldn’t work out. That means they apologize and they try to correct their shortcomings. This explanation from the article indeed is true. In my opinion, integrity is an innate virtue that is solidly attached to a person’s character and conscience. If you think about it, if one makes a statement saying he would do what he said he would do, the person who received that promise gives you their trust. They trust that you would do what you said you would do, because they believe i n your capacity etc. That trust is given because of their belief in your character –that you would do what you said you would do. If you did not fulfill that promise and did not apologize for not fulfilling such, then you and the person you made a promise to, will feel bad. You will feel guilty and that is your conscience inside of you telling you that you should have done what you said youShow MoreRelatedEthics : Ethics And Integrity2348 Words  | 10 Pages The paper imposes with the importance of ethics and integrity in current policing. It explains the foundation for structure of professional moral obligations, briefly depicts the indispensable core of applied ethics and describes the process of moral reasoning to give you a better appreciation of the expectations and ethical issues covering all law enforcement officers. 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